Many questions have been asked regarding the sudden de-push of Adam Rose during the summer. After months of winning matches, Rose was suddenly taken off television and only recently resurfaced. Most sites reported that Vince McMahon had simply become disinterested in Rose's character. (Our site never did, by the way.) Not only can we can confirm that this was not the case, but our source from within WWE has let us in on the real reason why Rose disappeared for months.
Since moving to the United States, Rose has been keeping in contact with a man on death row via a prison pen-pal system. He was caught writing to this person backstage one night and word spread to those in charge, who demanded that Rose drop contact immediately. He has since done so, which is why WWE has resumed pushing him.
Rose (real name Ray Leppan) is sort of a "mysterious entity" backstage. He keeps to himself most of the time and very little information about his personal life is public knowledge, or even known to his co-workers. The discovery that he was regularly contacting a death row inmate whom he didn't know personally has led to concern regarding other issues he may have.
In the past, WWE has assigned travel buddies to wrestlers, sticking a trusted talent with an "oddball" talent in an effort to gather more information about them. Ken Shamrock, Carlito, and Nexus member Michael Tarver are among those who have received similar treatment.