Hannibal Fox
why bro?
u disagree with anything I'm saying?
Just speaking the real............why waste a whole thread saying dumb shyt like "damn RIP, such n such movie was dope" without dealing with the real issue at hand, which is the reason why he may have taken his life
Oh so you work for the coroners office now?

We're marks the only thing we need to worry about is how the movie was, people came in here to pay their respects because although we didn't know this man personally, we're all familiar with his works as a movie director, and were entertained by them.
The same way if I see a funeral procession go past me in the street, I remove my hat and bow my head.
It is a sign of respect for those that have passed and for those that are still here.
I don't ask random questions which are not relevant to me, it's flat out disrespectful, and knowing your shtick revolves around derailment and flat out controversy I'm not surprised you don't understand that.
Have some manners, they cost nothing.