I'm trying to play my PS2 games on my PS5. I don't see why they can't enable that.
Because it would take away from the value of PSnow. And since PSnow is such a great value why would you wanna lessen a good thing?
Quick resume or die, but it’s dope Sony is finally fixing their shyt
It doesn't sink in that PlayStation doesn't have quick resume, for those without it? Well, I play more because of it. When I power on I often hit the guide button then continue from one of the usually 8 games I got ready to pop off.
An example, I'd rather instantly hop into my game of Hades than to wait for another game that I want to play, to load up. I don't know why but getting right back to where you left off just feels right. Before regularly using the feature I wouldn't have understood how important the feature is