Diddy Launching His Own Black Political Party - Endorses Biden


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
That grift :mjlol:

These black Gen Xers are shook.

Don't say shyt when the GOP runs everything but start waking up right when the Dems look to be gaining power again.

nikkah walked back that "Hold back the vote" comment and voting for Biden, Said the goal is to get Trump out, Get Biden in and hold him accountable

Pawg during the night
Malcolm x by daytime

Im not a public figure offline :mjpls:

Didn't he say he was buying a football team 3 or 4 years ago?

Diddy just be talking and it's so easy for him to get by with his capping cause nobody remembers the last lie he told :mjlol:

Like that uncle that just talks to hear himself talking.....

This is a distraction because of the ADOS movement they got Ice Cube

We'll see what happens ....

i don't trust none of these big time celebrities:francis:

they really think we're stupid

This is a way for him to draw a 6 figure salary as the executive director or some other title. Straight up money grab.

Is he gonna be all up in the campaign videos :mjpls:

Knowing diddy. This is a trick bag. Ignore this dumb nikka.

Puff is a fraud only looking after his white masters, I can’t trust anyone who has a history of jipping all his artists say or do. He said he was going to buy the Panthers and that fell through. He’s all talk and no action. And if there is action it won’t benefit black people.

This man is an idiot. If anything, he should make a black Super PAC that can actually meet with lobbyists to get things changed. All this does is split the democratic vote even more, and ends up achieving NOTHING

People like him make lateral moves and/or stepbacks disguised as moving forward, just in order to be on the public’s mind, support, and to trend.

Of course, like all these other entertainers, Diddy is hit hard by the pandemic. His money is good, but attention on him is at extremely low levels.
What better way to get his name out there than politics; it's all most people in this country can focus on right now.

NONE. That includes Killer Mike and his new bank, too.

Just looking to LEECH off the black community.

he gonna pay his people this time? or do they have to go to hot 97 and threaten him with refrigerators before they get what's owed?

Him and Kanye are no different than Trump.

Trust a nikka that signed Black Rob to a 10 album deal brehs

Diddy dont know Diddly.

Guys like Diddy make a lot of money and live a certain lifestyle that is not common to your average person and they lose touch with reality.

I'm glad to see he is coming to his senses, but it would have been more beneficial if he was preaching this months ago.

Clout chasing look at me at its finest. :snooze:

Trump benefits his pockets more than Biden. Wouldn't be shocked if he voted for Trump last election. Money before morals with a lot of these rich cats.

:mjcry:Kim Kardashian has done more for saving black lives than these celebrities. :russ:

Yeah I don’t know about signing up bro a political party based outside of Harlem :dame:

As usual.


This goofy ass negro woke up two weeks before the election. Tried to suppress the black vote against Trump. Then went back to sleep.

We ain't heard shyt since :mjlol:



And Lenard "Charlamagne-My-Anxiety-Tha-God" McKelvey jumped to do this bullshyt ass interview too :stopitslime:



Jun 23, 2012
Wish it was someone more legit. Would have loved a new/black party. It’s really the only way to unify efforts.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Looks like Diddy woke up and dusted off his activism bag :mjpls:

If You Love Us, Pay Us: A letter from Sean Combs to Corporate America
Sean Combs
3-4 minutes
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” - Desmond Tutu

The same feet these companies use to stand with us in solidarity are the same feet they use to stand on our necks.

When confronted by the leaders of several Black-owned media companies, General Motors (GM) listed my network, REVOLT, as an example of the Black-owned media it supports. While REVOLT does receive advertising revenue from GM, our relationship is not an example of success. Instead, REVOLT, just like other Black-owned media companies, fights for crumbs while GM makes billions of dollars every year from the Black community. Exposing GM’s historic refusal to fairly invest in Black-owned media is not an assassination of character, it’s exposing the way GM and many other advertisers have always treated us. No longer can Corporate America manipulate our community into believing that incremental progress is acceptable action.

Corporations like General Motors have exploited our culture, undermined our power, and excluded Black entrepreneurs from participating in the value created by Black consumers. In 2019, brands spent $239 billion on advertising. Less than 1% of that was invested in Black-owned media companies. Out of the roughly $3 billion General Motors spent on advertising, we estimate only $10 million was invested in Black-owned media. Only $10 million out of $3 billion! Like the rest of Corporate America, General Motors is telling us to sit down, shut up and be happy with what we get.

It’s disrespectful that Black-owned media companies only represent 1% of the total advertising market. It’s disrespectful that distributors refuse to carry Black-owned media brands in an era where our impact and influence is undeniable. It’s disrespectful that the same community that represents 14% of the population and spends over $1.4 trillion annually is still the most economically undervalued and underserved at every level. To repeat, $1.4 TRILLION ANNUALLY! The Almighty Black Dollar!

We demand that Corporate America reinvest an equitable percentage of what you take from our community back into our community. If the Black community represents 15% of your revenue, Black-owned media should receive at least 15% of the advertising spend. The same way you understand the power of our dollars, we understand our power to take them away from any corporation that doesn’t give us the economic inclusion we deserve. We are prepared to weaponize our dollars.

If you love us, pay us! Not a token investment. Not a charity check or donation.

The time is now! Radical change is the only option. You’re either with us or you are on the other side.


@Red Shield @Michael's Black Son @Sukairain @YouMadd? @Basil of Baker Street @SupremexKing @Cat piss martini @AndroidHero @Pirius Black @panopticon @johnedwarduado @neotheflyingone @Ishlibidish23 @SJUGRAD13 @BlueHeffner
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