At that rate lock her in the house....she just might see a guy she finds attractive
personal trainers spend at least a hour a day with your girl for a 3-5 days a week and during that time period they are improving your girls life, something you cant do (either too busy or too lazy, one or the other..) and what people seem to not understand (cause they dont work out themselves or just the bare minimum) is that personal trainers not only improving their life but they are gassing them up emotionally as well...
and a lot of stress comes at home problems... who do you think your girl tells all her problems to as shes sitting in a sauna
personal trainers are therapists to most their clients as well..
personal trainers win so much cause they are fit, usually attractive to their client (think of all the trainers in the gym.. your girl chose that trainer cause they're a little buffer?
benching 405 lbs aint got shyt to do with power walking on a tread mill for 10 minutes which is half of the training session
) and because they eventually open up their client emotionally cause they are with them so much... "how was your weekend" "whered you go" "what did you do" while simple questions that actually help the trainer access how they need to assist the client (did she go out and drink, did she eat bad, did she go to the movies and eat a large popcorn, etc.) to the female client those are questions/concerns she may have been missing at home from her spouse for months to years...