Did You Know: George Jackson's parents filed multiple lawsuits against Angela Davis, Warner Bros &

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
do you think she infiltrated the black panthers
Angela Davis = faux leftist

100% believe she work for those people.

  • Read about her famous case
  • MSM blowing her up after her going on the run (white media choose her not us ). How tf is she still out and became the face of Revolutionary black militants, while Assata Is still crucified in the US
  • Her relationship and co-signing Jim Jones. Also defended Jonestown
  • she was Mentored by Herbert Marcuse
  • supported by Gloria Steinem
  • After the fall of the black panther she start talking down on them and how bad they treated black womeN
  • she was never one of them(black panther/BPP). She was some CPUSA member and under her that went to shyt
  • she start peddling that inter-sectional nonsense about 40+ Years before it hit twitter
  • start pushing that Alex Jones nonsense "it’s less about race more about the elites" talk
  • In 2020 she was linked to helping UK government networks push propaganda towards Muslim women

when It comes to Elaine Brown Of the BBP she 100% worked for those people as Well
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The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
Dude, I feel like I just found out Santa Claus aint real


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Angela Davis Case

Guns used in Jonathan Jackson’s courthouse rebellion were registered to Davis so she was on trial w/ Magee, the only survivor of the rebellion. He was already in CA prison & wanted to remove to federal ct., Davis & her lawyers didn’t want her w/ him so separated to stay in state

Davis had her own team of top lawyers vs. Magee's ct. appointed attny. She says media tried to divide & that the decision to separate their case was due to differences of strategy (federal vs state ct.) but it seems like a strategy for her benefit cause Magee is still in prison

She was already a known intellectual & CPUSA member, she had more resources & lawyer connections than Magee who was a normal guy who had been the victim of the fascist US courts & jails since his youth. The movement focused on her & left him to fight alone



Ruchell Cinque Magee, sole survivor of the Aug. 7, 1970, Courthouse Slave Rebellion

Link: twitter user dabsquad
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May 15, 2014
Angela Davis = faux leftist

100% believe she work for those people.

  • Read about her famous case
  • MSM blowing her up after her going on the run (white media choose her not us ). How tf is she still out and became the face of Revolutionary black militants, while Assata Is still crucified in the US
  • Her relationship and co-signing Jim Jones. Also defended Jonestown
  • she was Mentored by Herbert Marcuse
  • supported by Gloria Steinem
  • After the fall of the black panther she start talking down on them and how bad they treated black womeN
  • she was never one of them(black panther/BPP). She was some CPUSA member and under her that went to shyt
  • she start peddling that inter-sectional nonsense about 40+ Years before it hit twitter
  • start pushing that Alex Jones nonsense "it’s less about race more about the elites" talk
  • In 2020 she was linked to helping UK government networks push propaganda towards Muslim women

when It comes to Elaine Brown Of the BBP she 100% worked for those people as Well

I heard all types of stories on this. What type of info you have and would recommend on Ms. Brown.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Why Angela Davis Should Remember the Jonestown Massacre

November 16, 2018, Malcolm A. Kline, 2 Comments

Not that anyone should forget but the revolutionary radical turned credentialed academic has a special reason to remember the mass suicide/homicide that occurred 40 years ago in the country of Guyana on November 18, 1978.

Back then, messianic murderer Jim Jones ordered hundreds of his People’s Temple congregants to down cyanide flavored with flavor aid. Although portrayed as a religious fanatic, Jones actually openly despised the religion he allegedly represented.

His left-wing leanings won him many supporters in the United States including Davis, Jane Fonda and openly gay San Francisco supervisor Harvey Milk. Milk, murdered within two weeks of the Guyana massacre, is now as lionized as Jones is loathed.

Dan Flynn, former executive director of Accuracy in Academia, tells the story of the twin tragedies in his new book, Cult City: Jim Jones, Harvey Milk and 10 Days That Shook San Francisco. Flynn, as ever a meticulous researcher, draws on archival research, primary documents and interviews with survivors to relate the tale of Jones, a fixture in San Francisco before he moved his flock south of the border, and Milk, who counted upon “the reverend” for political support vital to his career.

“The supposed religious fanatics of Jonestown had hosted a Soviet delegation, taught Russian to residents in preparation for a mass pilgrimage to the place Jim Jones dubbed the group’s ‘spiritual motherland,’ and willed millions of dollars to the Soviet Union,” Flynn writes. “Peoples Temple goons confiscated Bibles reaching Jonestown from the United States.”

“Jonestown celebrated December 25 as Revolution Day. They sang songs about Jim rather than Jesus. Jones openly denounced the “stupid Skygod.’ When the jungle community ran out of toilet paper, Jones distributed Bibles for bathroom use—a practice hitherto unknown among fundamentalist Christians.”

Incidentally, Davis did not have to alter her views one iota to make the transition from radical chic to the faculty lounge and her support of the People’s Temple pastor did not have to be a one-off. “Angela Davis, who fed Jonestown paranoia by telling residents of ‘a very profound conspiracy’ against Peoples Temple, won appointment in the 1990s to the University of California’s prestigious Presidential Chair,” Flynn writes.

Along with Huey Newton, co-founder of the Black Panther Party, and psychologist and Civil Rights activists Carlton Goodlett, Davis spoke by phone to the Jonestown compound and was broadcast over the loudspeaker to the residents there. Here is what she said:

“I know you are in a very difficult situation right now and there is a conspiracy, a very profound conspiracy designed to destroy the contributions which you have made to our struggle. And this is why I must tell you that we feel we are under attack as well. When you are attacked, it is because of your progressive stand, and we feel that it is directly an attack against us as well. Therefore, more of us need to know that we will be carrying on this idea, then we will do everything in our power to ensure your safety and your ability to keep on struggling.”

What many in the compound, even progressives, were struggling to do at that moment was escape–a pursuit in which most were, tragically, unsuccessful.

Davis still makes the rounds of college campuses. In fact, she’s booked through April of 2019. In these appearances, she is usually tossed softball questions. It would be nice if someone asked her if she regrets her support of Jones and the People’s Temple. Jane Fonda’s memory should be jogged on this as well. She’s been making no shortage of media appearances doing interviews lately.

Why Angela Davis Should Remember the Jonestown Massacre - Accuracy In Academia

Cult City is published by ISI Books, a division of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute.


Apr 21, 2013
I heard all types of stories on this. What type of info you have and would recommend on Ms. Brown.

Elaine Brown was a opportunist and hoe. I know the FBI drove a wedge between the Bpp and US. But her fukking Us members and panthers during the beef didnt help the situation. She was also radicalized by Jay Kennedy. A communist leader who was rumored to be a FBI informant.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
On Elaine Brown

Most Panthers convicted of drug possession recieved harsh sentences.

Elaine Brown was convicted of cocaine possession in 1976 but was only sentenced to “complete a series of yoga lessons”

tracked down the source:

a couple more clippings of interest. She was reportedly caught with 3/10ths of a gram wrapped in tin foil in her purse, visiting Johnny Spain at San Quentin. And isn't it strange that a municipal court judge would offer mitigating commentary abt her case before the trial begins?

So the leader of BPP was caught w/ coke while visiting one of the San Quentin 6, and charged with attempting to smuggle cocaine into San Quentin. And a municipal judge is quoted in a UPI wire saying it's all a misunderstanding, she got it at a party and forgot to remove it. huh?

Link: twitter user DaSquad
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May 15, 2014
Elaine Brown was a opportunist and hoe. I know the FBI drove a wedge between the Bpp and US. But her fukking Us members and panthers during the beef didnt help the situation. She was also radicalized by Jay Kennedy. A communist leader who was rumored to be a FBI informant.

Yeah I know about her sleeping with multiple members of the panthers. She also helped drive a wedge between newton and cleaver.

Not to mention how she got on with the panthers was just showing up chasing the leaders of the organization (setting out ass to them). But no one actually knew what she did or how she got on.

Just didn't know if there was more information on her out there.

Also good info on Jay Richard Kennedy and Elaine having a affair. Jay Kennedy was involved with almost everyone in the 60s and 70s. He was doing double duty informant work for the CIA and FBI. IMO Kennedy was snitching on Panthers, progressives on the left and kats with mob ties (reason for him being tight with frank sinatra and sammie davis).