Did you guys read this letter to the local NAACP by the Sheriff of Lee County?


Jun 12, 2013
This "debate" is a waste of time. Something happened that changed the world recently. I don't know exactly what changed, but now racist whites are simply comfortable saying what they think aloud. Simple. No "argument" can sway them cause they learned to say "******" before they could read. Question is: what we gone do? Gotta be something real aka economic.

Obama got elected.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
promise to do a better job cleaning up and the streets and protecting all of its citizens. .
yea but this is what i asked you and you didnt answer my question. how do the cops, in your view, do this in the black community?

you know what cleans up the streets? stop and frisk. which is an extreme, racist policy, but if you wanna get guns and shyt off the street then :manny:.

n for the record that shyt is :pacspit: and i dont think anyone should be victimized like that. but im curious at to what the alternative should be in your eyes


DOOM, all capitals, no trick spellin'
May 15, 2013
Georgia, Home of the trillest
nikka would've had a firm and valid argument but he had to ****** it up. No matter what context he was trying to use, he should've took the political correct route for the sake of face.


Graphic Alchemist
Jun 3, 2012
yea but this is what i asked you and you didnt answer my question. how do the cops, in your view, do this in the black community?

you know what cleans up the streets? stop and frisk. which is an extreme, racist policy, but if you wanna get guns and shyt off the street then :manny:.

n for the record that shyt is :pacspit: and i dont think anyone should be victimized like that. but im curious at to what the alternative should be in your eyes

I don't believe in taking guns away from citizens, but to be honest, the police know who is committing the majority of crime in a certain area. I know they do where I live, yet they do nothing about it. The police dont go hard to catch violent felons who terrorize their own neighborhoods. But like I said in an earlier post, some mothers are allowing their sons to sell dope out of their house but get mad at the police when they come knocking on the door. We have to seek and dialogue with the police in order to gain a mutual amount of respect. They are not going to care if they know we aren't going to care. The sheriff that wrote that letter to the NAACP had the perfect opportunity to open that dialogue but he refused because in essence "we still call each other ******s"

So what could be done, I would say start with open forum town hall type meetings with police and allow each side to voice concerns. Because Blacks don't like being victims of crime either. But there are some deep wounds with police and the Black community that may prevent any constructive dialogue and actions from happening.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Tragically, record numbers of young, black males have been gunned down
in the streets of Fort Myers in an epidemic of alarming proportions over
the last few years. In virtually every instance the killer was also black
and the majority of those cases remain open. Many more black citizens
have been injured and were lucky to survive similar circumstances. To
date, I am unaware of any appreciable attention or public outcry the
NAACP locally or nationally have afforded these issues in our own,
proverbial backyard. '

Crime rates in the country are high in general. The reason that there are many black people killing each other is because black people tend to live near each other. Whenever black people move to mostly white areas, the white people in those areas leave. The reason that many of these black people are turning to crime and getting involved in gang activity is because of a lack of economic and educational opportunity, poor policing and because of images that are exported to them by white media bosses that glamorize that lifestyle.

Conversely, you immediately inserted yourself and the Lee County Branch
in the matter of Trayvon Martin’s tragic death in a city hours from ours
and publically declared that matter to have been mishandled by the police
while expressing your intention to travel to Sanford sporting a “hoodie”

I suspect that when you said that, you had not examined any of the
evidence or specifics of the incident; and I am certain you would not have
reacted that way had George Zimmerman been black or Trayvon Martin

There wouldn't be an issue if Zimmerman was black or Trayvon white. The issue here is that there is an ongoing narrative in America that features black lives as being worth less than white lives. Many white people are failing to see Trayvon as a child because they don't see black people as fully human. This is why there is so much attention and controversy. There is no question that Zimmerman would be promptly arrested if the races were reversed or if both people were white.

The fact is that Zimmerman is half Latino [Peruvian mother) but was
portrayed early on by media and others as being “white.” That seemed to
fit better for a “white/black” contrast much like the media altering of the
911 recordings helped fan the flames of racism early on. Ironically,
President Obama is half white but is generally referred to as being “black”
and so there appears to be an inclination among some to insert ethnicity
as it fits with their agenda.

There is no evidence that suggests that Zimmerman identifies with his latin side. Furthermore, many latin people are not mestizo--that is to say they do not have significant amounts of native american DNA. Either way, there is nothing to suggest that Zimmerman considers himself part of the latin community and is accepted within it. He also appears white. You won't confuse Barack Obama for a caucasian person and he's been reminded that he's got enough black in him to be treated with suspicion like most African Americans are. He has shared experiences with black people in America. There is no evidence that Zimmerman is similar in anyway, and such a comparison is not only flawed but insulting to Latin people, black people, and mixed race individuals.

Fast forward to the trial and verdict which resulted in Zimmerman’s
acquittal...the same trial, verdict, and in fact justice system that you
would have applauded had it convicted him. A leading cause of death for
young, black males across our nation is murder and an astounding
percentage is being murdered 'by young, black males. The noticeable lack
of involvement and attention given those tragedies by the NAACP begs the
question why in my mind. Black on black and black on white seem to
illicit far less emotion than the proportionately occasional white on black
examples like Zimmerman who as noted earlier is actually only as
“white” as President Obama.

Yeah, except the NAACP has been trying to address the issue of instability within the black community for literally decades. This isn't news that's reported because white America doesn't give a fukk about the crime rates in inner cities unless they want to use it to deflect from an issue that is undeniably an example of white supremacy at work.

Finally, I find resurrected fixation with the portrait of Robert E. Lee
and the demand for its removal regrettable. The timing so proximate to
the Zimmerman race baiting is certainly suspect. While I am not black, l
continue to be amazed by what is deemed “racially offensive and] or
insensitive” and what is not. For example, the rampant use of the word

“******” in the wildly popular hip-hop culture that floods the ears of

youth across this nation and is comprised primarily of black artists

apparently stirs little to no emotion among blacks but the portrait of à
General Lee does? I am fifty (50) years old, and I have heard more black '
people (including top, black comedians being funny] utter the word

“******” in my lifetime than I could have ever fathomed. I continue to

wonder why the NAACP does not publicly decry this trend and advocate
its cessation. It is for these reasons that I feel your focus on the Lee
portrait amounts to little more than unrealistic posturing that serves to
further a divide and promote a double standard. After all sir; our county is
named after General Robert E. Lee and his portrait is far from the only
reference to him, so I am left to Wonder where this agenda stops.

Firstly, no black person ever pronounces the word "******" with a hard r. This is done deliberately, not because black people don't know what vowels and consonants are. The usage of the word depends upon context. For many African Americans, that word is one that means something else. It has become a sign of brotherhood(note how the word is never used in reference to black females). African Americans are right to be wary of white people using such a word because it is usually accompanied by vicious threats and put downs. Being able to say that word is literally one of the only few benefits that you get being a black man in America. It is simply a nonissue, is it really that hard to respect 1 wish of the people who LITERALLY HELPED BUILD THE COUNTRY? aren't black people at least owed that? And there is absolutely no way that this man can be so devoid of empathy that he actually can't fathom that black people would not want to see the man who fought against their emancipation being treated as if he's some sort of hero.

I consider you a friend and hope my candor does not ruin that; however, I
simply find myself unable to support your professional agenda, which I
believe actually contradicts the end goal of eliminating double standards.


Warm regards,

Sheriff Mike Scott

whole letter is just :trash: same talking points being repeated over and over again by white people that just don't get it.
for real you should send that response to the sheriff

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
IBut there are some deep wounds with police and the Black community that may prevent any constructive dialogue and actions from happening.

this is true, and its a fukkin shame. cuz to me it seems like we're at a point where police are both blamed for the crime rate, and told to get the fukk out when they try to intervene (and im not sayin that isnt justifiable, because it is). so the situation is fukked

ur solution sounds like a step in the right direction, its unfortunate that doesnt happen more often