Proximity and families breeds contempt. Black folks who are College educated professionals know rich/bourgeois/corporate cacs very well because they work and operate in their environment. They are not easily impressed by Buckras and they know that they are very far from perfect.
Ignorance is bliss for hood nikkas. That’s why they put them cacs on a pedestal.
the better you know someone, the more you will find faults with him. They see the best and (more often)the worst of them daily and up close. They know how they really got their jobs (through nepotism, racism, networking etc) and they know they get hired just because they looked and sounded the part. Hood nikkas in their day to day lives never rub shoulders with cacs and rarely associate with white folks like that except in passing and when they do have encounters with cacs, it’s always authority figures like teachers, police officers, social workers, judges, landlords, etc. Then they see mostly dominant and positive depictions of white people in the mainstream media.
Dominant white Media and only encountering white authority figures makes them subconsciously associate ofays/Buckras with power, prestige, authority, self-control, competence, intelligence, beauty, status, etc =breed subconscious admiration of white people and inferiority complex towards white folks. It’s ignorance and lack of daily contact with white people than makes them act and think like that. They overrate and overestimate the abilities of white folks because they only know and see the curated and best version of them.
psychological warfare/Media Propaganda is powerful and invisible, many hood nikkas can’t fight against it and can’t see it a threat to their souls and minds, let alone understand it and recognize it.