The sexual liberation and the redefining of roles have virtually reduced any benefits for the man to get married. There isn't even the allure of having a woman that is yours, because a lot of women have likely racked up countless men enjoying their sexual fruits prior to marriage.
Marriage was solely oppressive for the woman back then, but it wasn't oppressive for the man? It's great that women now have opportunities to make a CHOICE and to gain their own employment. That's the positive side of feminism. The negative side of feminism is they ask you to act like their nonsense doesn't exist. Isn't feminism supposedly about equalizing the playing field? Nah, it was about stacking the deck. These feminists talk all that equality stuff until they have to face man repercussions... and then all of a sudden they turn back into traditional females. Females can talk crazy and put their hands on a man, but he returns the favor and he's a 'woman-beater', but she's not a man-beater for hitting him first. They want a man to be a man and make her feel well-taken care of, safe and protected, but it's sexist to expect reciprocal behavior.
This notion that marriage was sweet for men and women were heavily oppressed is nonsense. Both genders had their advantages and disadvantages... or would women back then rather have switched places with men no questions asked? They don't even want to switch places with men today.
The lack of choice and ability to obtain employment, yes that was oppressive, but they also had benefits as well that women are doing their best not to lose to this day. I fail to see what is so oppressive about cooking and cleaning... would women have rather worked in meat packing plants and the utter filth with there-in for 12 hours a day? Or factories with their low safety standards where they could lose limbs with one wrong move? Or mined all day to only have that paycheck go to support the family? Or how about working those farms, moving bales of hay, rounding up cattle and tilling the fields? Then to come home to hearing your significant other complaining about who knows what after being completely exhausted from back-breaking physical labor? How about the man supporting the family and lost his job due to an injury and getting shamed by his wife as a loser when he is unable to support his family due to measures beyond his control? How about the woman denying her husband sex in order to manipulate him? Or the fact that the husband had to put his life on the line to protect his family in the event of war or home invasion? But hey, none of that is oppressive. Cooking and cleaning, that's where the real oppression lays.
That war quote tells you what you need to know about the feminist mentality. Women are the greatest victims of war, as if dads don't care about their sons as much as a woman. Women did get raped in war, which is an attrocity, but men got raped by sick soldiers as well... They also faced getting tortured if caught by the enemy, seeing their friend's head getting exploded by a bullet or his guts leaking out after getting stabbed, the countless hardships of being urged to press on with no food, water and sleep, but only battle ahead, etc.
So nowadays, men still have to be the one ultimately responsible for providing for the family as well as assuming most of the financial responsibilties, has to make sure she feels safe and well-protected, has to pay a woman support money in the event of a divorce even though they are 'equal' so she can 'maintain her lifestyle' even if she cheats, give up half his assets (because most women do NOT marry men who bring less to the table than them financially), is automatically assumed as the less fit parent in the high majority of cases due to being a male, can't see his kids if she is feeling vindictive, etc... It's not sexist if a woman calls her husband a loser if he lost his job and couldn't provide, but it's sexist for a man to suggest his wife to lose weight after she gets married and decides to let herself go because 'she has no one to impress.' Come on now. Oh yeah, don't forget that a man has to award a woman a rock costing several of thousands of dollars and an elaborate ceremony just to get into that sweet deal. Is it really any wonder why men are looking at marriage and that feminist rhetoric funny nowadays?