Formerly known as...
"The white suit Lewis was wearing the night of the killings has never been found."
If he did then dude has pulled a fast one. SB the next year, and now a all time legend, and respected by all in the NFL world.
"The white suit Lewis was wearing the night of the killings has never been found."
FreedS[ohh]lave;1551341 said:
I was down in Miami at the time and lets just say little haiti talks
Ironic part is Ray was always a square ass nikka who wanted badly to be down with real nikkas and he went overboard trying to prove himself
Ever since the season after that it seems like he's been 1000% on some redemptive, 2nd chance at life type stuff.
Imo, you can observe that 2 different ways.
Damn man, one of the dudes who got killed that night was my lil cousin pops. I never really asked my big cuz about the shyt but she had a grudge for Ray for a long ass time.
It's been so long ago that I don't even remember what Ray was like back then.
what her mouth do though?
If she was smart she could use that mouth to set ray up for a rape charge
yo, wtfwhat her mouth do though?
If she was smart she could use that mouth to set ray up for a rape charge
"The white suit Lewis was wearing the night of the killings has never been found."