Any ideology can lead to what you say here. Replace religion with science. Many men, many many many many men, have been driven mad by their endeavors in the scientific community. The term mad scientist, is real. Watch "The Reanimator". Its so demonic, friend.
Any positive ideology, yes, because they actually make positive claims. Atheism does not fall into that category because it is a lack of belief in something without any necessary belief in something else.
For example, many Buddhists are atheists because they do not believe in a creator God, or any gods as we understand them, but they are not the same as Dawkins, because they still believe in reincarnation, enlightenment, and other spiritual and supernatural ideas. What unites Dawkins and Buddhists is a negative idea, a lack of something, rather than any positive one.
Science as a practice doesn't fall into this category either. Some elements of scientific institution might, though, because some scientists do believe that certain positive and normative claims are part of science (there are religious scientists, after all.) The difference between that and religion is that all religion is that way, because religion as a whole is defined by such claims.