Detailed Map Reveals New Information about the Age, Contents and Origins of Universe


All Star
Aug 8, 2012
Sure, but that's not an accurate definition. There could be multi-verses, which would be encompassed in existence or something better defined.

according to who? mainstream white scientist who themselves have a birth record and doesn't want to admit black people have no beginning nor ending?

I think you're confused about time. Time we are talking about is relative to spacetime and the movements of certain points in relation to the observer. We know these galaxies are moving away from a certain point, we know the speed of light, and we can observe how much they move in a given time.

can't tell time when it's nothing but darkness.

You speak for god?

Man is god. For man is the mind, and the mind is what created everything you see.

Don't follow here...

before there was light you had darkness. relate it to ignorance. When light appeared it was because god had gotten knowledge of himself and started creating all you see. The quran says it's triple darkness, the bible says the lord dwelled in darkness.