i feel you but people just ridiculous on this one
the grenade spam is probably even more ridiculous tbh. but weakening and suppress fits right next to healing and radiant. i get why the warlocks are butthurt but a lot of it really is them just being able to do everything all the time in comparison to other classes.
now they can still do those kinds of things well (and in some cases better), but they have to actually pick something then build and play to those strengths.
you'll see some folks acting like dawnblade got hit with the nightstalker 3.0 business - not the case because hunter primarily had invis while working uphill to do anything else in comparison to warlock and titan. shyt, invis got nerfed all aroundthis shyt? most these dudes just mad youtubers haven't told them what's OP and they can't stumble into end game content playing braindead anymore.
That's a big part of it. While this isn't as over the top as Void was, I've chalked it up to both me needing to just play more, and it being completely fine if the subclasses don't have the exact same functionality. For all we know, the dungeon might have some gameplay in it that makes use of the new tools we've got now.