they saving the stompees nerf news til the last minute tooits excessive, its the jumping shyt that annoys me not the dodging![]()

they saving the stompees nerf news til the last minute tooits excessive, its the jumping shyt that annoys me not the dodging![]()
I quit this piece of shyt after i got my luna howl then they wanted to nerf it. I swear these idiots nerf something every month..
depends on what it actually isNo one is really mentioning the extra fragment slot. Does that open up a lot of build paths?
lunas howl was bullshyt strong and should've been exotic. and its actually a good tell that the sandbox team has moved in another direction since those times
i really don't mind the adjustments lately at all tbh. balancing the game around 'must have weapons' is just never gonna work out well
There's no reason to nerf weapons.. If everyone using the same shyt...The best player wins
mtashed? dude ran to genshin for a reason
and he's been trying to run away from that too the past few months![]()
Even on ps5 it looks weak weak?Run away? The game old as shyt now..shyt looks washed graphically.. Damn near every game that came out in 2017 has a new game out.. MMO can only be rpg not shooter
its aite. biggest difference is the FPS bumpEven on ps5 it looks weak weak?
I just thought the PS5 added some special sauce. I got close to beating the main game and have all the last dlc. Considering the plunge.its aite. biggest difference is the FPS bump
even when the game dropped it wasn't out to be some graphical powerhouse.
going away from 30 FPS is more than enough sauce for most.I just thought the PS5 added some special sauce. I got close to beating the main game and have all the last dlc. Considering the plunge.