Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
whats the long term plan of this game ? Comes out on PC in a few days and been looking for a new game
I got 80 hours into it and have been having fun.
Level progression is very rewarding. The higher level grind can be very repetitive though. The campaign is relatively short as well. Long term the game is planned to have substantial DLC like the first one did. I like the game a lot but I could also see why people would shy away from it.
FPS control wise, the game moves at a much slower pace than what you’re used to on PC. Not sure how much of a turn off that’ll be for you. That said, the controls are tight and very responsive. Some platforming is a bit tricky, but nothing major.


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
FPS control wise, the game moves at a much slower pace than what you’re used to on PC.

yeah thats what my friends who did the beta said... if they get it, ill get it.. but if they aint getting it I aint getting it :manny: im bored at the moment and need something to play that isnt Rust where i can get robbed for all my shyt while im sleep :laff:

Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
yeah thats what my friends who did the beta said... if they get it, ill get it.. but if they aint getting it I aint getting it :manny: im bored at the moment and need something to play that isnt Rust where i can get robbed for all my shyt while im sleep :laff:
Bungie seems to be taking the general consensus that the end-game is broken/non-existent serious, so we'll see what happens from there. A lot of major youtubers say they still play in hopes that the next major update addresses end game but it's possible people abandon the game in masse by end of the year.

It's a fun game but once you've done everything there really isn't very much incentive to do any of it again :manny: no real RPG grind with a purpose.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Bungie seems to be taking the general consensus that the end-game is broken/non-existent serious, so we'll see what happens from there. A lot of major youtubers say they still play in hopes that the next major update addresses end game but it's possible people abandon the game in masse by end of the year.

It's a fun game but once you've done everything there really isn't very much incentive to do any of it again :manny: no real RPG grind with a purpose.
I've heard those complaints and almost went along with them but then I saw my total play time and immediately fell back.
I can't complain about a game I've sunken 80 hours into. If anything, I see it like, they did such a good job that now that I'm done I still want more. That isn't Bungie's fault in my opinion. To me that means they did their job well. I'm not sure what more people want. The core game is solid, and there is a solid multiplayer element as well.
I think the problem people might have (and I'm just guessing) is that Bungie marketed this game as an MMO, and standard MMOs have near infinite replay-ability due largely in part to the social aspect of those large games. Destiny "SAYS" it's an MMO but in reality it's a 6 - 12 player game, and the most fun parts of the game are actually only 3 players.


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
I've heard those complaints and almost went along with them but then I saw my total play time and immediately fell back.
I can't complain about a game I've sunken 80 hours into. If anything, I see it like, they did such a good job that now that I'm done I still want more. That isn't Bungie's fault in my opinion. To me that means they did their job well. I'm not sure what more people want. The core game is solid, and there is a solid multiplayer element as well.
I think the problem people might have (and I'm just guessing) is that Bungie marketed this game as an MMO, and standard MMOs have near infinite replay-ability due largely in part to the social aspect of those large games. Destiny "SAYS" it's an MMO but in reality it's a 6 - 12 player game, and the most fun parts of the game are actually only 3 players.

I got like 300-400 days logged on World of Warcraft :hubie: 80 hours isnt worth the $ to me for a MMO personally. Should take 80 hours to reach max level (in my opinion, I know im in the minority)

though I dont have the time to do any of that anymore, im still under the thought process MMO should take time

Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
I've heard those complaints and almost went along with them but then I saw my total play time and immediately fell back.
I can't complain about a game I've sunken 80 hours into. If anything, I see it like, they did such a good job that now that I'm done I still want more. That isn't Bungie's fault in my opinion. To me that means they did their job well. I'm not sure what more people want. The core game is solid, and there is a solid multiplayer element as well.
I think the problem people might have (and I'm just guessing) is that Bungie marketed this game as an MMO, and standard MMOs have near infinite replay-ability due largely in part to the social aspect of those large games. Destiny "SAYS" it's an MMO but in reality it's a 6 - 12 player game, and the most fun parts of the game are actually only 3 players.
I'm at close to 200 hours myself and I hear what you're saying and agree. I do enjoy the raid mechanics.

I think the point they are pushing is that a true MMO/RPG gives certain parts of the content replay ability because you are grinding for a purpose. For example weapon stats, all weapons drop with the same stats and each weapon and armor piece only has 1 mod slot. So there is no reason to grind for a perfect roll or for gear and weapon pieces specifically for pvp or pve. Everything is basic, once you get your light level to one of the caps, there is no reason to run patrols or adventures again. No one runs strikes anymore because there is no strike specific gear. I see there point, I'm interested to see how Bungie responds.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
I'm at close to 200 hours myself and I hear what you're saying and agree. I do enjoy the raid mechanics.

I think the point they are pushing is that a true MMO/RPG gives certain parts of the content replay ability because you are grinding for a purpose. For example weapon stats, all weapons drop with the same stats and each weapon and armor piece only has 1 mod slot. So there is no reason to grind for a perfect roll or for gear and weapon pieces specifically for pvp or pve. Everything is basic, once you get your light level to one of the caps, there is no reason to run patrols or adventures again. No one runs strikes anymore because there is no strike specific gear. I see there point, I'm interested to see how Bungie responds.
I think Bungie needs to kill the MMO talk and market it the same as a Halo/Borderlands hybrid which IMO is essentially what Destiny really is.
You look at a game like Halo (or borderlands) and you don't hear any of the complaints that you hear about Destiny, and to me, the only difference in the 2 is the marketing behind it.
Destiny 2 IS NOT an MMO and shouldn't be treated or reviewed as such. Just my opinion though.

Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
I think Bungie needs to kill the MMO talk and market it the same as a Halo/Borderlands hybrid which IMO is essentially what Destiny really is.
You look at a game like Halo (or borderlands) and you don't hear any of the complaints that you hear about Destiny, and to me, the only difference in the 2 is the marketing behind it.
Destiny 2 IS NOT an MMO and shouldn't be treated or reviewed as such. Just my opinion though.
A heel turn like that would cut the user base by more than 50%

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
I got like 300-400 days logged on World of Warcraft :hubie: 80 hours isnt worth the $ to me for a MMO personally. Should take 80 hours to reach max level (in my opinion, I know im in the minority)

though I dont have the time to do any of that anymore, im still under the thought process MMO should take time
Destiny isn't an MMO though.
Destiny is a standard FPS in the lane of Halo and Borderlands. Bungie are the only dummies claiming this game is an MMO.
The game is 6 - 12 players max (The campaign is only 3 players. The VS modes are 6 v 6). The ONLY other time you come across more than that amount of players is in the social areas where people go to pick up weapons they found while playing the core game.


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
Destiny isn't an MMO though.
Destiny is a standard FPS in the lane of Halo and Borderlands. Bungie are the only dummies claiming this game is an MMO.
The game is 6 - 12 players max (The campaign is only 3 players. The VS modes are 6 v 6). The ONLY other time you come across more than that amount of players is in the social areas where people go to pick up weapons they found while playing the core game.

oh :sadcam: nevermind then :sadcam:

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
A heel turn like that would cut the user base by more than 50%
Why? I'm just talking about the marketing behind it.
Anyone that has played an MMO knows Destiny is NOT an MMO by any stretch at all.
How can you call a 12 player game an MMO?
There isn't even any social aspect to the social areas. The times you go to the tower you never hear everyone talking to each other. There is literally 0 interaction between players outside of your own party of 3 - 6 players. That isn't what an MMO is like.
Games like warcraft can have 30 people on screen all talking to each other and then heading out together to go run missions. That's what makes an MMO so addictive. It's that incredibly large social aspect of it.
Calling Destiny an MMO is like when those dummies that made No Man's Sky claimed that the game was "multiplayer".
It's a false title that Bungie is trying to use to grossly exaggerate the multiplayer aspect of the game.
My point is, if Bungie stopped pretending Destiny is something other than what it is, the game would be received better overall.
I highly doubt the people that like Destiny are playing it solely because they "THINK" the game is an MMO, and if they were told the truth they would leave.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
oh :sadcam: nevermind then :sadcam:
I sank a ton of hours into WOW and Guild Wars so I know what an MMO REALLY is.
When I see Destiny called an MMO I'm always confused as hell.
Destiny is dope, but it can't be compared to ANY MMO by any stretch at all.
Imagine the Halo setting and graphics/presentation, with the RPG elements of Borderlands, and the loot elements of Diablo. Combine those 3 and you have Destiny.

The campaign can easily be played alone or with up to 2 other players cooperatively. (Playing the campaign with 2 other people is what I enjoy the most).
There is a multiplayer competitive mode called "The Crucible" which is essentially a playlist of 6 vs 6 team death match, and king of the hill variant, and a mode where you arm a bomb and defend it.
The raid, which is essentially the end game content (or true final boss, however you want to see it), is a 6 player cooperative series of puzzles and boss fights. This is the portion of the game players seem to feel they have bragging rights for conquering.
There is also a series a strikes, which are specialized missions with a timer where you have to go up against much harder enemy AI. These are designed for 3 players.

While you're off doing missions or challenges, you'll pick up items that can only be unlocked at the 2 social areas of the game; The Farm and The Tower. In these 2 places you'll see maybe 20 other players. None of them can interact with each other outside of a few emotes. Everyone is in the areas for the sole purpose of upgrading their gear and getting back to the game.

If you look at the game like a regular FPS instead of an MMO, you'll see the game is head and shoulders above its competition in terms of content.
The people that are complaining about there being "nothing to do" once you beat the raid, are of the crowd that believes (or believed) that Destiny is an MMO.