Whoopin suckas with a bag of oranges
Slow down you gonna make Boom hit the corner store mentionin all that junk food![]()

Slow down you gonna make Boom hit the corner store mentionin all that junk food![]()
:COURTFLAB:You used the wrong smilie.
I haven't seen confirmation from @lamont614 yet.Hey is there room to join the raid at 9?
I'll add that to the OP .@Kamikaze Revy
Meant to tell u when I'm on my lil breh is always with me so that's an extra person right there so put plus 1 since still can't make coli account or use his psn name turtle0212
I'll add that to the OP .
Sorry if I asked you this before. I'm at work and my memory isn't focused on the coli....anyway, have you and your brother done the raid before?
All good breh. Just hit up the thread whenever you're down.We didn't really but went to the raid just us 2 to get the feel of it no guide and what not and didn't understand it but just wanted too see it
After that experience I looked at several raid guides and shortcuts seen alot of vids have a general idea tho just need to apply that
Sidenote: like i stated before cuz of my situation always keep me on standby list cuz can't be reliable to get on as often as most due to me driving to his house and depending on my kid situation on which kids i bring with me cuz if it's just me and the baby shyt is a pain to play
But there are times I know 100% I'm alone kid free and when i do I'll post it in here and say it otherwise I'm online when I'm online but willing to do what's needed to help the clan and others when I'm on as long as satans spawn doesn't act up![]()
None at allI haven't seen confirmation from @lamont614 yet.
I'll put you on the stand by list in the OP.
If you haven't already, download the destiny 2 app that way you can see from your phone who's online.
Or, you can just log on at 9pm and check.
Have you had an experience with the raid yet?
What's that face for? Where the hell you been?
We we're talking all day yesterday about organizing the raid run. Those were people that responded, not ones I randomly called out.
I even changed the thread title to draw attention to the raid.
Is you is or is you not tryna' get on this raid breh breh.
Cause from the looks of it, we have enough people interested now to have 2 groups running the raid at the same time.
Maybe @Relldaproblem has time today?![]()