Deshaun Watson accused of sexual assault (Cleared of Charges)


Apr 30, 2012
Most fair take in the entire thread, people act like two things CAN'T POSSIBLY be simultaneously true

these chicks are low key prostitutes/escorts who use the massage bs as a front for slanging ass. Same as a lot of those IG yamps with booking information. Either they specialize in erotic massage, happy endings, or just outright fukking.


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
No doubt, but is he a rapist or is he just a rich man trying to get hookers off of IG?
Below in the spoiler are all my takes on the matter that I posted already .

That part!

Your massage therapist is almost like your barber: People usually dont jump from one to another to another and then another like that.

We have to wait and see how this plays out but that's the main thing that makes me hesitate to wanna jump in front of this train to defend homie. I'm one of those people that treats myself to a massage from time to time. At least once or twice a month. I have one that i go to often and a backup. Like when i call the parlor i request a specific person and if they are not available at that time, oh well. Even tho mine is a cute little nicaraguan chick whom i flirt with sometimes but she knows my body and knows where i tend to be tense.

If (big IF) he really did contact with ALL THESE DIFFERENT THERAPISTS, that tells me this wasnt about massages at all and those of you defending that part know it. :ufdup:
Now with that said maybe these massage therapists know the deal and were down until they realized homie had money so they figured they'd cash in. That's very possible when you're a massage therapist and you're used to going to clients homes and all the sudden you show up and realize homie lives in a mansion and anything funny you may be able to cash in

uhhh :picard:

This is worse than i thought. I still think the whole thing is fishy, TBH. But i also feel dude is far from innocent of all this. Some of it may have been exagerated.

The whole thing seems fishy on both sides when you read the reports. :whoo:
Like what kinda woman gets forced to perform oral sex and doesnt go to the police first but instead heads to a civil suit lawyer?:patrice:
At the same time what kinda dude looks for 14 different massage therapists ...most of them on instagram:what:
To make a long story short, too early to jump to anyone’s defense but while I feel dude is suspect, the women involved are also mad suspect for running to a civil suit attorney rather than going to the police if they were “forced to perform oral sex” as one suggested.

Personally, i like him as a player but I’m not jumping in front of this train to defend him quite yet because I highly doubt he’s “squeaky clean” as his stans wanna believe. We have to let the whole thing play out because:
  • Most lawyers dont typically go public like that and dont show theirs hand unless they got more up their sleeve.
  • Factor in that most sex crimes (sexual assaults) don’t get reported. So if we go by statistics, if there are 14 that were reported there could possibly be UP TO another 45 that aren’t as 75% of sexual assault go unreported.
  • We can debate about what’s a legitimate assault vs the legal definition (which I agree is bullshyt) all day but it is what it is at this point and when it comes to the law you can only play by the set rules
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May 1, 2012
these chicks are low key prostitutes/escorts who use the massage bs as a front for slanging ass. Same as a lot of those IG yamps with booking information. Either they specialize in erotic massage, happy endings, or just outright fukking.

Maybe, thats why I want to see their IGs and massage ads before I judge.

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
Did Deshaun fukk your bytch or something?

You keep moving the goalposts and continue to look like a clown.

Very Effeminate behavior
You coming at me like a bytch,I notice you follow me around in threads I post in so u last one to talk. You living thru professional athletes and you a grown man. Out of all comments you coming at me,I must struck a nerve. All in saying is where are the cats defending Watson,then dudes get in their feelings because it's truth. Not type to beef but I call it like I see it.