Is this one of those situations where the team is privy but kept things hush hush to win and said "word? oh aight then" and let the wolves eat once he wanted out?
In 2020
Texans: DW, you've been balling out last three years. Time for a contract extension.
DW: I'm ready for it. Let's go.
Texans: Before giving you this deal, we just want to check and make sure you're good. Anything going on off the field we should know about
DW: Nah... I'm ready to get this thing moving forward. Let's go get that bowl
Texans: Great to hear DW
In 2021
DW: Yo, ya done torn the whole team up. New guys y'all brought in trash. I'm a need that trade ASAP breh
Texans: It's a process. Minor reset. We got a whole new team. We've got you locked up long term. You're our guy. If you give them time, we're confident it's going to work out.
DW: Nah dog... I'm a need that trade. Five teams listed here.
Texans: Are you sure you want this? We were the team that believed in you the most when you fell in draft
DW: Yeah... that was in past. I'm looking to the future. Remember, I control my own fate. No trade clause so check with me before making a deal
Texans: Okay DW, let's see what we can do for you then