1. No, that's not what I'm saying. You can't move the goal-posts on this one. It is CLEARLY not normal behavior. You are just playing this stupid game about "Oh, no one in the know says it isn't normal"! It's a terrible argument and weak one you are trying to make.
2. Well, no unbiased person has come out and said it is NORMAL what he allegedly was doing in terms of having 40+ "message therapists", many of them not licensed. And, let's take a wild guess why you aren't hearing them come out saying it's unusual. Maybe it's because that doesn't even need to be said since it's beyond obvious that's not "normal". Why haven't any come out and said it is normal to have 40+ "message therapists", many of which are unlicensed?
We both know the answer to those questions. And, just because something isn't normal, doesn't make it criminal. I am not saying he is guilty of anything as I will wait for the facts to come out, but the way you are trying to spin this and act like what he was allegedly doing would be normal, is stupid. And, saying "Well, no one has come out and said that!". That's because it's painfully obvious the choice to have that many women as "massage therapists" is not normal.