Three way trade bruh. Houston about to ship Lowry to Brooklyn for Gasol, they gotta make room for the Dragon.
if worst cones to worst
trade dwill for bynum drew from da metropolitan area
trade lopez for b jennings bj wants to play inna major market
Andrew Bynum isn't that close. He's from Middlesex County. That's about as far as you can go before you reach the Philly Metro Area. Bynum ain't puttin no butts in seats, AND you gotta figure out whether he's worth a max deal to y'all.
Jennings would love it, but I don't think Milwaukee does this.
why u hating -whats dose putting butts in seats all about... 1 minute ur on 'da nets aint gonna be a good team so nobody will show up now ur on said player who an allstar named isnt bigger nuff to put butts in da seats :snh:
MIL will have to decide as soon as possible; cause bj leaving -so it makes sense to get an offensive 7footer since they traded their 1 this year
jamal crawford
Hating? Saying Andrew Bynum wouldn't put butts in seats isn't hating. That's truth. If they don't manage to keep Deron Williams at the minimum, people won't go to the games. You can't possibly be from NYC and not realize this. If your team sucks and you're not the Giants or Rangers, we don't give a fukk. The Nets aren't immune to that. Ain't nobody gonna be shelling out major money to watch Andrew Bynum lead a team to crap. They barely show up to watch Deron do that.
The only way Jennings is leaving on his own accord is if he's stupid enough to just take the qualifying offer. Other than that, the Bucks can just match anything. If they felt like moving Jennings, they're gonna want a high impact rookie, not another big that they gotta pump major money into (they're already paying Gooden, Mbah a Moute, and still have Udoh and Sanders). They'd probably rather spend that money on re-upping Ilyasova.
what are we talking bout
-fulling seats
-building a solid team ???
again... dont worry about attendance bk will come out
STOP confusing jersey to brooklyn -ur a newyorker, so u know we are da most passionate sports fans in da world
what are we talking bout
-fulling seats
-building a solid team ???
again... dont worry about attendance bk will come out
STOP confusing jersey to brooklyn -ur a newyorker, so u know we are da most passionate sports fans in da world
and i'll tell u most free agents are gonna want to come to bk
Try figuring out how to do both. How much is Bynum worth to you?
I'm a New Yorker and all that passionate sports fans in da world shyt goes out the window when your team sucks. It doesn't matter who it is unless it's the Rangers or Giants. If the team sucks, people will not go. Too much shyt can be done in NYC instead of watching a subpar product. That's why there's so much riding on D-Will and Dance Dwight Revolution linking up in Brooklyn. They can attract casuals once the BK novelty wears off. If they're not playing well what would you rather do? Spend inflated money on tickets to see Nets /Bucks or the other countless things disposable income can be used for?