Worst argument ever: why did you take that fight for less, but passing up more for this other fight?
Each fight has its own value. You are dumb if you leave money on the table in any fight, even if it is a career high.
Good thing none of these cats are managers, they would have Wilder fighting for pennies on the dollar.
Again, why haven't Wilders team sent that counter offer they promised they would sent 5 days ago? Actions speak louder than words yet it seems common sense goes straight over Wilder stans heads. I would see your point had Wilder not turned down greater pay days previously stating he's fighting for Legacy, not money. It's telling that wilder stans still are avoiding that quote like the plague. Objectively, I don't think either fighter is scared of one another, but for Wilder and his team to go around for so long saying AJ is scared to what is happening now: Team Wilder openly ducking AJYou Joshua stans are making no sense. And I'm not talking from the perspective of being a Wilder or Joshua stan. I'm talking from the perspective of what deal I see that I hope gets the fight done. Y'all telling Wilder to leave potentially millions on the table just to accept whatever Joshua offers is ridiculous. Would he make less fighting Breazeal? Yes, but that does not mean he is leaving the $12 million forever, never to be recouped, to fight Breazeal because it's not like the Joshua fight is over for good. As what many have said on here, why is Hearns offering a flat rate when that flat rate would be less of a percentage than what Parker got? Why, because they are bluffing on how much they think the fight is worth. So they dangle the flat amount and using puffery words like "five times his biggest purse" to make it seem like the bestest offer ever. All the while Joshua rakes in the millions that they undersold the fight to be worth. What is so hard to offer Wilder AT LEAST the same split they gave Parker? That should be the base. Joshua's biggest payday is against Wilder as well, so wouldn't he be walking away from millions more to fight a lesser opponent too?
Look, if Wilder were to accept that $12 milli, ok cool. Not my money. I don't care if he takes $1 milli, but we see he isn't going to accept an offer that would be perceived to be less than what he is close to being worth in this fight, especially percentage wise compared to Parker. So to get this fight done, Hearn is gonna have to offer at least a similar deal Parker got, and the potential rematch in the US would be on Wilder's A side if he were to win. Everybody eats, and fans get to enjoy a major heavyweight fight for once.
The money is in the backend are nikkas really this dumb expecting Wilder to take no back end in such a huge fight.
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for my experience an average UK fan is no worse than an average US fan, US and UK both have their casuals if you think UK has more of them that´s probably because boxing popping more there than in the US now... it comes with the territory
We're dealing with United Kasuals who support United Kowards who believe just because Wilder says he fights for legacy but turned down a disrespectful offer means he's ducking, but not the side that REFUSES to give Wilder a percentage split for a Super fight right after they had no issue giving Parker 33%.. Not the side who put a restraining order on Wilder to not come in the ring![]()
for my experience an average UK fan is no worse than an average US fan, US and UK both have their casuals if you think UK has more of them that´s probably because boxing popping more there than in the US now... it comes with the territory
but it´s not like UK fans would be much worse imo
This aint even a US/UK thing, Wilder fans and Wilder himself love trying to put that spin on it. I'm from the UK but I'm picking Joshua purely because I think he's the better boxer.
My favourite fighter P4P is Errol Spence and I was rooting for him when he came over here to fight brook, I also think he'll wash him if they have a rematch. Nationality in boxing is stupid IMO