Overly large hoop earrings in females ears. This is a demonic red flag that i hope you friends are aware of. Many times you will see this accessory combined with animal print and overly arched eyebrows. Just updating you guys on the demonic realm. Over and out
So far we have
For women
Animal print
Bangle earings
Overly arched eyebrows
Still getting tatted up past 24-25(cant learn the error of her ways).
Odd hair coloring(skunk highlights, burgandy/orange/blue/red/etc hair)
Abnormal body piercings (outside of two holes in the ear, for Westerners)
Smiling out one side of her mouth
Revealing clothing
Obsessed with large genitals
Cant cook
Aborts children.
Part in the hair
Colorful bow tie wearers
Facial hair with the thickneses of a toothpick
Wears sunglasses indoors
Tatted up
Still getting tatted past 25
Hates working
Has a lot of rotten teeth - sign of a liar.
Pays money to have his seed killed.
Pony tails.
Shows up in internet chat sessions with no shirt on.
Only listens to demonic music. Gangster/trap/explicit filth with no hope or message.