Am I the only one that thinks it's weird this kid is walking around in full police uniform including a fake gun and taser
Top flight security ass boy for real
But if it was a white boy claiming to want to join the police force or patrol the borders then yall would say "why weren't they black? Yall won't hire black people". So what the fukk is it that we want? We are confused...
We don't want black c00n police officers. They're the last ones hired and first ones fired.
We want black police officers that are proud to be black, make rational decisions and don't spread white supremacy.
They'll give this boy a fake badge but won't give black adults who are qualified and apply real ones.
I don't want any fake positions I don't care who's handing them out. Definitely don't want black people kissing his ass, this mf still thinks the central park 5 did it.
kid wants to be police officer = c00n
kid wants to be a tranny = why are y’all so obsessed with trans?
Got it
You can be black and kid and want to be a cop and not be a whole fukking c00n.
He's probably gonna hug Derek chauvin too and you damn c00ns will be like "this is what forgiveness is, this is what America needs
The child is not a c00n nor was the child c00ning
Yeah he is. If he went and shook hitlers hand we can't say "well, at least he's out there!"
As much as the Jews are terrible, we can't listen to Kanye's Nazi rants and cosign him wearing swastikas. Because it's c00ning