I'm not a bernie fan in fact I'm a hater due to same exact reasoning but let's be honest, would bernie showing up to Michigan pretending to give a fukk about black people changed anything for black folks? The answer is no. The party couldn't even pass actual tangible things such as the John Lewis voting rights act: instead the party allowed conservative states to openly gerrymander black districts and take black people off of voting scrolls. We have much bigger tthings to worry about then bernie showing up to Wayne county
Well a few things off the top of my head:
poor judgment making skills on his part
he isn't resonating with economically anxious whites or at least not in the numbers necessary to win
if he sin't resonating with economically anxious whites, I think that whole narrative that people spend so much money and energy pushing should be put to rest
he may be incapable or is worse unwilling to speak to black people/minorities which to me is a deal breaker for anyone I want to represent me particularly as president
the later points you're trying to make boil down to your inability to hold Republicans accountable for their actions and voters who are either openly hostile to black people or are all to common indifferent
Sure and maybe we wouldn't be having this conversation if got his head out of his ass decades ago
He's in the twilight of his life now but the we need "economically anxious whites:" and to tailor dem agenda to conservatives needs to stop whether it's liberals or the dirtbag left pushing it