King Kreole
natural blondie like goku
If all you had said was that Israel acted in a way that helped Trump get back in office then I wouldn't have taken issue with your statement. But you explicitly said Israel sealed its fate with millennial and younger voters by helping Trump get back in office, which fundamentally mistakes the motivations of this demographic. Under your logic, Israel would also be suffering massive drops in support from this demographic if they just engaged in some routine foreign election interference chicanery on behalf of Trump and not committed a widely broadcast genocide, and they wouldn't have suffered from massive drops in support before their electoral preferences were made clear during the election season. Both of which are wrong. I suspect you're promoting this position because you're still trying to downplay the role that the Biden-supported genocide of the Palestinians had on the this demographic's perspective towards the Democratic Party/President/ticket.The chain of causality is off only because you’re interpreting my statement in a way to make your original assumption correction.
We both agree Israel acted in a way that helped Trump get back into office so my statement is objectively correct. You can read any subjectivity into my statement but then it would be your opinion and not fact