Tony D'Amato
It's all about the inches
Newsome turned san quentin into a rehab facility. There's a start. See the ones that u can rehab. The ones u can't, u have to assist them. But they can't be left on the streets.Do you feel that these people should be helped/supported? Especially the mentally ill?
Or do you let them fend off for themselves? I'm tryna get your thought process on this.
the bill maher bit sounds like bullshyt, California is huge for solar subsidies and encourages solar panel installation
Oh so you are a police state lackey, not much else say.
Particular when this bullshyt.
Well i try to build or add on to property in California.
After all the shoplifting and looting, yeah. Im tired of street takeovers and all the bs.
Thats something else dems did. Gascon made shyt misdemeanors or refused to prosecute shyt. The majority of la county voted aginst that and voted for a former republican prosecutor. The city spoke.