Sankofa Alwayz
#FBADOS #B1 #D(M)V #KnowThyself #WaveGod
Whenever I see PA, I think of Port Arthur, TX.
Lol @ project housing in the country. Definitely will see that throughout the south
Lmao the locals usually refer to Princess Anne, MD as either PA or Pistol Ave

And yeah the first time I found out that there are projects out in the country was in this thread where this dude somehow ended up in the middle of this public housing project complex out in rural Louisiana at night with his homies and he was mad shook. He said that when he told his ppls in NOLA about it, they knew of the projects he was talking about and said even NOLA nikkas wholeheartedly avoid that place. Now knowing how grimy asf NOLA can get, the fact that some random project hood out in the country can get even them shook had me looking at country hoods like

I grew up in some of the worse hoods in PG County, MD even in Suitland when the Homer Ave projects were still around, but I’d rather deal with what I’m familiar with in them than a hood out in the country somewhere. Hood country nikkas be on a whole other type of time