Isn't it funny though....players speak so highly of TO...except maybe McNabb....but yet the media keeps talking about jut how bad he is in the locker room. TO is not innocent, but the media has tried hard as hell to paint him as this evil dude who doesn't have the respect of his teammates.
the media ...banwagons off wha ed werder started...notice everywhere to went ed werder was instigating drama with his sources..never namin one person..
dallas he did it big time...jus by sayin something a meeting 3 big names dallas havin conflict...when all it was a meeting with owens..witten n romo..
t.o never ever spoke to ed..he always told em no comment...or next question..
chris broussard aint got shyt on ed.. he created an entire situation that wasnt worth any time...local media would goto the coaches etc...n they would tell em aint nuthin goin on...we dont kno wha ed is tombout..
he said t.o was mad kuz he didnt get alot of always had more yds than anybody he played with n was always number 1 or 2 in catches..he never cared..
ed made up the story bout jason bein best buddies with tony...when nebody in the lockerroom could tell u tony n bobby were brothers..
when t.o. left..ed followed..when he missed that yr..u didnt hear exclusive or a peep from ed...
when i said seattle need to keep ed out the lockerroom..they should..the cancer to the locker the media...specifically ed..he comes out of nowhere with stuff...n it spreads