sidenote the sudden dikk riding
#sohhicey is doing to
#acg is hilarious
at least we aint leech off them for rep and switch sides on em like somebody i know
the enemy of our enemy is our friend, even if its our enemy
loyalty over rep, but a team full of traitors, liars, cowards and rats wouldnt know nothin bout that
anyway, its funny these remedial douljas got the nerve to start posting again, these nikkas been hiding ever since we exposed their cbox, exposed them being autistic liars and snitches as far as @
BarNone @
iMajor and @newarkhiphop
and exposed @
iMajor's Borat typing ass ghostwriting posts for female posters
now he's back to doing corny text remixes of wack nas songs
what happened to Le TBM Resistance?
just another corny imitation crew dismantled and humiliated courtesy of the SOHH Icey Kliq