Man this is whats so funny about this.
Some of ya'll are LITERALLY too hung up on these vague ass indefined concepts of "spirituality" that you're so excited to try and inject it in the latest findings of perception or reasonings behind math that attempts to explain reality.
Its hilarious. Ya'll's only exposure to these concepts comes through youtube and the discovery channel but ya'll ain't got the patience to learn where your arguments are flaws, the limits of what you DONT understand, the inaccuracies of the things you DO believe, and even further, are unwilling to actually invest the time to understand what's being asserted.
Its the same FOOLS ready to jump to conclusions to try and make ANYTHING fit their presuppositions.
Kill religion.
can we just be done with these vague ass notions and corny bloviating wannabes who don't contribute anything besides verbal diarrhea and word soup to the discussion???