Far right and it’s not even close.
They’re petty, stupid and reactionary people who are full of hate and resentment. They actively and honestly desire to hurt people who don’t look, act and think like them. They are literally racist and are white supremacy apologists. They’re authoritarian fascists who hate democracy, justice and equality. They carry water for the powerful and wealthy capitalist exploiters because they believe they belong on the same team as them , but they don’t realize that their rich idols/gods only see them as another group of soulless and faceless proletarian rabble to be exploited. Their ideal society is a racial and classist caste system where the wealthy and the whites are put above anyone else. They want a modern Jim Crow apartheid system in where the lowest, basest, poorest, dumbest and most ignorant white is treated much better than the highest, wealthiest, cleanest, noblest, smartest and most educated black. believe that racial/social hierarchies are natural in humans, you can make your own conclusions. They advocate for freedom of speech and freedom of association simply because they want to justify segregation and racism.
I hate them Because They always act and argue in bad faith. They troll, gaslight, use half-truths, use fake and biased studies/statistics from far right media sources and move the goalposts all the time in online discussions just to fit their dishonest arguments and inflammatory rhetoric. They will be contrarians just for the sake of racism.
Far left are annoying, self-loathing, isolated, immature and delusional . The fanatic pro transgender militants are unknown in real life and don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. You can safely ignore them, out of sight and out of mind. Far left policies won’t have an impact on the quality of my life. But legal far right policies and socially acceptable far right mentalities in society will have seriousband negative repercussions on my life.
I’m a black man living in the west, and I hate the far right and worry about it much more than the Far left. The far right movement is the one who is an actual threat to my freedom and existence . Not idealistic communists or tranny radicals.