No foul calls we must be at home

Mitch is fine his stamina is of course not there yet and he's played for long stretches. Sims needs to be in as well as Deuces Rose getting tired too.How do we feel about Thick Mitch
I feel like this added weight has had a negative effect on his quick twitch high vert jumps
It hasn't looked like he can block threes and stuff the way he used to, and I'm worried about his second jump ability
Felt like those were his trademarks as a player
But at the same time, as a center it might be more important to out muscle everyone than out jump them
Even my man Clyde is making fun of Mitch now
Agreed fully. Leave RJ though I want to see him with Grimes. Not trying to be the defensive focused wing might be good for himMitch is fine his stamina is of course not there yet and he's played for long stretches. Sims needs to be in as well as Deuces Rose getting tired too.