Has it even been two years in development? Four years for a triple AAA title is expected, nevermind the fact that its from a brand new studio. People on here have crazy expectations.
there isn't a single thing in that trailer that looks like it could even be put to practical gameplay though, that's my thing
we got invisible monsters
dudes in the future doing.... things. in ....places
a random corpse with a gold face on top
somehow people get evaporated into the ground
there's a fukking baby in a fanny pack
attack on space titan, now with tentacles and magneto-esque death powers
suicides ripped straight from the animatrix
then whatever that acid trip was at the end with a baby giving a thumbs up inside of a grown man
its so ridiculously abstract that no one anywhere can even quantify what's going on. and after what Phantom Pain did, its starting to look like Kojima is the kind of artist/developer that needs those left/right limits up - and not the blank check and open air that Sony's forked over to him
like Kojima. But this looks like everything wrong with his stuff rolled into a fully bankrolled clusterfukk.