Death Certificate, All Eyez on Me, Illmatic, Enter the 36 Chambers: Which Side Goes

Which side goes?

  • Team A

    Votes: 16 50.0%
  • Team B

    Votes: 16 50.0%

  • Total voters


imma hitta by myself
May 6, 2012
Unless I’m in a reminiscent mood, I usually just listen to a couple of songs off old school albums nowadays, and Team A has more songs that I keep in rotation, BUT team B has two Iconic WC albums and 2 songs that are in my permanent rotation: G’z up, Hoes down by Snoop and Street nikkaz by Jeezy

Very tuff decision but I gotta roll with A just based off the amount of individual songs that I like between the two.


All Star
Jun 14, 2012
You a cold piece of work for these threads OP :pachaha:

I feel bad for cube and the rest, but team a can get the fukk on


Reptile For Mortal Kombat 1
Jan 15, 2015
It was close until I seen Trap or Die. Get team B the fukk on

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
The best way to find the winner is as vinyl long players. Yet team b features arguably the goat gateway double cd. Meaning aeom although horrifically filled with filler other than two records as a cultural submission. Most noob gateway rap fans. Will cite that as their first album in a modern commercial rap gateway. Plus it is the commercial mainstream gateway album of rap and it is a double cd. Where in common circles is known only to be spun in cd format in general.
Now granted most of these nikkaz did some bullshyt on team a. Outside of wutang. That is hard to look past. As far as violating hiphop culture.
Plus look culturally and be real.
about the skill and cultural stature of said artist at this current time.
As hiphop has a no point of return style policy. That makes sellout rappers a chore to revisit. Or rap albums that became sales spike era pop markers. Very difficult to revisit.
if they are too outdated by Two sonic landscapes. Where it is styles war rooted in execution.
Ala dmx.
after a audiophile change of sonic landscape. After the technical renaissance. It may feature illmatic That ushered in the technical renaissance. Yet it is limited as a long player in length.
The only other cultural listening experience that has no real scrutiny is 36 chambers.
Yet that album is also a debut album. That eventually created the goat long player in rap history in obfcl. Which is featured on rhe dope schedule of team b.

Team b is clearly the better long term choice.

As far as tracklisting and based on being the longer term listening choice.
Which would require less work to spin.

It has the best rap album long player of all time in obfcl.
It has arguably the best southern gangsta rap record in the diary.
It has the best def jam released debut southern rap album in history. That also doubles as the record. that would change all of music sonically moving forward.
Which just those three in long player tracklisting have a flawless listening experience.
It has the best jiggy rap rnb commercial sellout album debut of all time. That also doubles as the best commercial jiggy rap album long player of all time.
It has the best restake cultural claim rap group ever. Which also has arguably and rivals the greatest long player of all time in obfcl. Where both are the definitive seasonal soundtracks of winter and fall in rap history. Although both were released in rhe spring and summer.

It has the album with the goat modern booty shake record. Plus the most innovative southern audiophile rap album Just for starters and the original Wendy day rap entrepreneur label album.
Plus it has the double album of what is the largest drawing gateway artist in rap history. That arguably feature the two best gangsta rap songs of all time in ambitions and bring the pain. Plus the arguably mtv generation gateway commercial pop project.
Plus it features the commercial premier Westcoast debut album. From rolling stones rap darling.

Team b is clearly superior and features the definitive rap long player all time. In obfcl
As well as definitive sonic and audiophile upgrades.
In 400 degrees and trap or die That changed the audiophile and sonic listening experience of music.

It has the best commercial high quality jiggy In reasonable doubt. That eclipses the cap you would entertain from cube similarly. Yet jigga's cap is closer to home in content. Whereas cubes album is a stretch moving forward from that era in content. Where it comes off as pandering. Plus occurrs after it was obvious. Said artist may not be writing his material. When said artist was touted originally for being the definitive gangsta rapper and song writer.
Riding dirty is a good road trip experience. Yet pales incomparison in high points and has no real defintiive modern southern audiophile experience. AAquemini some could say as well. Is just a roadtrip experience. Yet lyrically I do not take outkast serious at all. Plus outkast has no pay off. As no one in outkast as former souls of mischief biters turned neo soul rnb style artist. Offer any upside rhymewise as emcees. Leading to no pay off long term. Plus no real emcee style that another emcee can use to ever make it grassroots. You try to rhyme with kast as a influence. You getting served period.

The jayz submission is a waste of time compared to the definitive jiggy rap sonic and audiophile experience in rd. As rd features the definitive highest quality rap meets rnb sellout experience all time. Where in a commercial sellout rap experience. Is rhe highest quality commercial sellout rap album of all time. Where it was not a apart of the sale spike era. Leading to a nostalgic listen that takes you to a place. Where commercially civilian listeners with an ear. Can either use as a gateway. Or use as a litmus test for what is a viable listening experience for commercial rap all time.

Culturally team b features definitive choices and landmark historical albums as long players in vinyl.
That require less political posturing culturally to enjoy. Whereas team a. Politically and culturally. Feature artist that require to much juelz'n for that album to make it enjoyable to revisit. Plus team a has no seasonal soundtrack listening experience whatsoever as team b.

As team b features both definitive seasonal rap album in rap history just for starters.. that require no politics and no negative culture based experience. Or some sellout bullshyt to unpack to listen.

Team b rather easily.

Art Barr

If you struggle with acronyms or any terms in this. Plus length. Then you are not adept at hiphop, or any sonic audiophile discussion of albums. Released historically in the rap genre.

Plus not brave enough to stop fronting and ask about that which you lack. Which is knowledge of hiphop culture mores norms and timeline of relevency in the industry of rap.
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