Dear White People series Coming to Netflix


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Not many shows show like we all our in real life though :mjcry:

Depends on who you know and how you are. There hasn't been a single show on tv in the past 15 years where I've looked at it and said "Oh I don't know a guy like that" even when I saw the movie, I recognized all of those guys. In my opinion, the coli gets too hung up on a certain type of black male being shown on television rather than representation at all. But that's just me. I said it before during the oscars and I said it for power rangers and I'll say it again: We as black people are varied and run the full spectrum of experiences and personalities. I watch boyz in the hood and can't relate; I didn't grow up in the hood and I don't know anyone else who does. I know its a big part of our story though so I connect to it on that level but that's it. But this show or the cosby show or a different world? Much easier for me to relate to. Middle class kid who grew up in an affluent black suburb of DC, went to a non HBCU and then went to another non HBCU for both of my grad degrees. So yeah I relate more to this than other stuff at times. I don't pound my chest fronting like I'm tough, nor do I have any problem showing emotion when I'm hurt or sad or angry. Again, Peter Parker is my favorite character in all of fiction and it has nothing to do with his race and everything to do with me relating to the person.

There's a line in this show when Troy and Lionel are playing video games and Troy has this outburst when he's getting his ass whooped and Lionel asks him if he's been tested for turrets. Troy says nah but seeing as how black men aren't encouraged to be open about our emotions or express ourselves, we have emotional outbursts that show up when we're playing sports or video games.

That's real shyt and one of the most profound things on the show. Simple moment that says a lot.
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Apr 30, 2012
The show is much better than the movie. This kind of story with all its nuances and subplots is much easier to digest over 5 hours than an hour and a half. Hopefully they get picked up for a few more seasons to fully tell the story. If you watched the movie and are still complaining about episodes 1&2, hopefully you quickly picked up on the fact that they are just catching viewers up with a summary of the movie. It really picks up at episode 3.

As for my favorite characters, Troy and Reggie both stood out on the guys side. I'm glad they kept the same actors. They felt really natural and felt like they were the characters they were portraying if that makes sense. Troy has the most interesting story by far and it will be great if they keep him as a complex character.

On the ladies side, Coco and Joelle are excellent. I hope they expand Joelle's role significantly next season. Sam is OK, but they really didn't do her any favors as they haven't fleshed out her story from the movie. For me there's nothing new to work with there so she's just kinda in the way.

The guy playing Lionel is cool too. I love that he's always in some awkward fukkery :heh: Al and Rashid need more time :pachaha:

All in all, it was a good intro season. I definitely need to see more of this.


Feb 27, 2014
Haven't read through the whole thread so it's probably been asked but I digress...I've heard of the movie but never watched it. Is this like a sequel to the movie or is this a spinoff?


Apr 30, 2012
Haven't read through the whole thread so it's probably been asked but I digress...I've heard of the movie but never watched it. Is this like a sequel to the movie or is this a spinoff?

It's basically a reboot of the movie. You can start from episode 1 and get most of the back story of the movie. Some details will be missed but the overarching story is pretty much captured in the show.


May 5, 2012
Depends on who you know and how you are. There hasn't been a single show on tv in the past 15 years where I've looked at it and said "Oh I don't know a guy like that" even when I saw the movie, I recognized all of those guys. In my opinion, the coli gets too hung up on a certain type of black male being shown on television rather than representation at all. But that's just me. I said it before during the oscars and I said it for power rangers and I'll say it again: We as black people are varied and run the full spectrum of experiences and personalities. I watch boyz in the hood and can't relate; I didn't grow up in the hood and I don't know anyone else who does. I know its a big part of our story though so I connect to it on that level but that's it. But this show or the cosby show or a different world? Much easier for me to relate to. Middle class kid who grew up in an affluent black suburb of DC, went to a non HBCU and then went to another non HBCU for both of my grad degrees. So yeah I relate more to this than other stuff at times. I don't pound my chest fronting like I'm tough, nor do I have any problem showing emotion when I'm hurt or sad or angry. Again, Peter Parker is my favorite character in all of fiction and it has nothing to do with his race and everything to do with me relating to the person.

There's a line in this show when Troy and Lionel are playing video games and Troy has this outburst when he's getting his ass whooped and Lionel asks him if he's been tested for turrets. Troy says nah but seeing as how black men aren't encouraged to be open about our emotions or express ourselves, we have emotional outbursts that show up when we're playing sports or video games.

That's real shyt and one of the most profound things on the show. Simple moment that says a lot.

Whoa there, I agree with you in a lot of aspects and I have no problem with a resurgence of black males with varying interests. Finn is one of my more likes recent heroes because he's among the most human characters in the Star Wars universe.

I wasn't asking if there was a hood dude or anything like that. I was just curious if this was more...Empire/Star or Insecure/Atlanta.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Whoa there, I agree with you in a lot of aspects and I have no problem with a resurgence of black males with varying interests. Finn is one of my more likes recent heroes because he's among the most human characters in the Star Wars universe.

I wasn't asking if there was a hood dude or anything like that. I was just curious if this was more...Empire/Star or Insecure/Atlanta.

My b..definitely the latter. I feel like this is the kinda show that would make fun of Empire for the same reasons we do