@FreshAIG edit..hes a mod isn't he ?
in that case,
@JordanWearinThe45 or
Worst: eh...i'm not that bothered.
guys like
@SirBiatch (i could do without him and Billy arguing pointlessly in every thread though) and
@Napoleon and
@10bands50bands100bandsQM are all needed to an extent because we can't just have everybody agreeing and they are two of the more active ones that have people up in arms..and they give others a reason to come together and moan about them and give out daps and rep blah blah i'll just say whoever is the biggest Eminem fan that
isn't @SunZoo whoever that is..fukk em.
edit..clearly i don't pay attention enough to vote to decide on one for each so its probably best just to disregard my post.