Thanks for your honest reply!
Before I begin my response, I'd like to warn readers, that I may refer to God a lot, but that's only because my faith has shaped my views/identity. Firstly, I'm sorry you had bad experiences, and your frustrations are justified. Nevertheless, respect does not equate emasculation. You can still be firm with a woman, and tell her you will not accept x or y Z behaviour in a respectful manner.
My personal thoughts on the matter is that the unity between a man and a woman should only be kept between the walls of marriage. There is a reason why statistically virgins stay married longer on average. I believe it is the moral corruption of this generation that has led to the problems of "love", that people face nowadays. Women have been tricked into believing that their body is not sacred, and as a result men have began objectifying women for an array of reasons, some you have just mentioned. I believe women set the standard for society, which is why it pains me when I see them act in a distasteful manner. Unfortunately, the blame resides with both genders. Men continue to encourage females (what I've witnessed so far) and women feed off the attention. Most people don't realize that even if they don't believe in God or follow a specific dogma, they still worship something. Whether that something is money, women/sex, yourself, any decide. I'm going a bit off topic now...
Back to topic - I think people need to understand that the result of the dating world is years of social-conditioning. Those in power WANT this to happen. Look at the world of celebs.. glorifying skimpy outfits and singing songs about sex. From a young age, children are encouraged to engage in activities they're not ready for.. and this is what's left. A group of people broken spiritually and emotionally... both young men and women. No-one trusting anyone. It's a sad world.. and I find refuge with God. Not everybody is part of the social degeneration that's happening before our own eyes. You can't fight fire with fire. Why burn others when you know the feeling of how it is to be burnt? If you don't like the "games" then throw deuces & find someone with a similar mindset to yourself.