Who's that dude in the flannel pants and the jacked up hair cut?
Who's that dude in the flannel pants and the jacked up hair cut?
Who's that dude in the flannel pants and the jacked up hair cut?
LMAO oh okay that makes sense why he looks like an ultra lameConan O'Brien,the late night talk show host.And if they ad that motherfukker i will break that disk over my knee Bo Jackson style.
Is this Zod?!
the bottom pick is...they based him on the comic book version
I dont care for it..needed that superman II swag
and the top pics is Conan Obrien which is supposed to be a new skin for Superman
its a running joke alter ego
his show is by warner bros, hence the cross over
and the top pics is Conan Obrien which is supposed to be a new skin for Superman
Boon said on Twitter that Superman and Zod will get Man of Steel movie skins
where can i cop this?