you have to build your guys up to go on ..its tedios but I kept repeating the ladder level before the first green lantern boss only lose 1 energy
I did it and got a silver pack, which got me a few characters-wonder Woman and Flash, than I kept building up Nightwing..made sure I had him in every battle,and powered up his drain..I got him up to level 21 Elite,with his supermove unlocked..than once the fights got harder I had than redid that same level to buy the 1 day gold pack for 75,000. Got Doomsday..did those levels again until I got him to 12 than I contined to pass levels. as I continued I was able to buy another 1 a day goldpack and I got Batman Beyond, which hes now unlocked in both games

. I once again repeated that low level to get him to ten, than continued on
I have two sets of teams- Doomsday,Batman and Nightwing are my A-team, when there every is depleted I got Flash,Wonder Woman, and Harley/Green Lantern as the B team. I ve passed some levels with them and once it gets too hard Ive had luck with switiching the A team back. The key is to build them up.
I play this came in the morning during breakfast, lunch break at work and whenver I take a shyt

Right now Im at 40Gs, Im undecided to buy the Joker outright,since silver is 48gs and it will get me the Harley skin, or just save for another Gold, because you will need more powerful characters to go on