I decided to look at some key DBZ scenes and see the difference between all the dubs.
-Goku going SSJ for the first time was pretty terrible in all of them. I felt that Kai did the best with capturing the tension and Goku's desperation, sorrow and wrath.
-Gohan going SSJ2 for the first time was COMPLETELY fukkING BUTCHERED in the Funi dub. Music constantly playing, misuse of said music, unnecessary dialogue...just made Gohan's transformation completely underwhelming. Just look:
I think the music used in Gohan's transformation was trash but the use of it did well to signify that shyt just got real. Along with the lack of music in general, minimal dialogue with Gohan's face telling the story I thought this scene was ok. Anyone picking the Funi dub over the Jp dub when it comes to this scene needs to say so now so I can know who to ignore when it comes to DBZ and life in general.
-Vegeta turning SSJ:
I actually prefer the Funi dub music when Vegeta is going SSJ against the Androids. Everything else though...

Same crap that happened with Gohan, unnecessary dialogue, unnecessary garbage music. I would say Funi dub> others when it comes to Vegeta goes SSJ, other dubs>>>>>Funi in flashback scene.
I grew up on all three of the dubs. Ocean's when it came on after WMAC Masters and would stop showing new episodes when Goku landed on Namek and would occasionally show Tree of Might. Japanese when I found out that DBZ was being censored, Goku and everybody else goes SSJ and there was a sequel called GT. Funi when DBZ went to Toonami and they were selling uncensored episodes. I can look at them objectively now and say they were all pretty crappy. Ocean's mind numbing censoring, Japanese circus music and Goku having a fukking female VA, Funi's general cheapness when it came to music and the horrible music direction and dialogue (to their credit tho they got better in the Buu saga. Less unnecessary dialogue and more silent backgrounds). All had pretty terrible voice acting (Jp was probably worst with the constant grunting and straining and strange gurgling noises.)
TLDR: Manga>all