Make a damn fallout movie already![]()
They're going to make a movie for a game they wouldn't greenlight a sequel for? That's unusual.
The game was a mess when it released, alot of technical issues.This game is dope, and underrated. I don't like people who made the movie based on video games.
This game deserves to get a sequel
shyt had meGreat game
One of my all time favorite things to do on any game was when you try to take out the whole hoard,so much fun
This game had a cool plot twist at the end, but we really dont need a movie for this.
shyt had mewhen I faced my first horde. Good times.
I feel like they're doing this because they can reuse a lot of the sets and effects they're using on the last of us so they might as well do it![]()
oh damn forgot about thatEh i dont think so, its HBO paying for TLOU and a lot of that stuff was done on location in Calgary. This would likely be a sony pictures movie
So stupid. I’m listening to this audio drama called We’re Alive, and it literally shyts on every zombie movie, show, or book I’ve ever experienced. Dunno how something like that, that is genuinely a fantastic and original zombie story, is stuck as an audio only media when shyt like this is constantly getting green lit