Jimmy ValenTime
A really good Lawyer
Going back through the thread, Alot of the complaints about the game play were mostly due to their progession system.
Bike is too slow : Because you have to upgrade it like 5 times to get to be fast.
Refueling gas is stupid : Because you have to upgrade the fuel tank like 5 times before a full tank can essentially last an entire trip around the map.
they should have let player used the starting Max cap bike for a bit longer in the story before taking it away. Would've make them undetstand a bit more about the mechanics. Otherwise they are judging the game by the beginning specs and the not the end build.
The first 10 hours are a slog to get through but once you progresses enough the open world does enough organic interactions and has enough fun in it to be a good game..
a zombie bear or a horde of 100 zombies chasing you are both very cool
I was in the middle of a shot out at a camp and zombies came rushing in like a flood and kill everyone couldnt reach me cause i was sniping people
but it takes a while to get to the fun stuff
Also the voice acting is to weepy and ernest like if the life time channel made its own walking dead type show