Thinks my ninja.Sales should start June 7th I think.

Marking it can't wait to play it!

Thinks my ninja.Sales should start June 7th I think.
I was on the fence with this during its promo run, and the phrase “run of the mill” is exactly how I’d describe it,There's a lot of overhyping with this game that's suspect as fukk.Its just okay. Its not terrible but this isn't a masterpiece either. Anyone being sold on this as some generational artform is should proceed with caution. There's a lot wrong with this game and in the same breath, I don't think its as unenjoyeable as some reviews made it sound. Its pretty much run of the mill and a decent time sink. If you objectivley look at the Metacritic score, I believe it sits in the 70s. That's fair, as a score in the 70 range pretty much means "okay. " Its not outstanding. Its not terrible. A lot of the overhype seems retailitory for the critiques, so heads just went in the opposite direction. If you can get this on sale (I think its already marked down) its a good purchase.
The game doesn't really get rolling until you reach the third camp, and that's a lot further in than "one or two hours." Even the raving reviews will attest to that. It does open up though but outside of the hordes, its standard stuff. Again, its a fun little time sink. It isn't a GOTY candidate by any stretch, and folks on the fence need to be aware of that.
Already gonna be 19.99
No it is not. It's only going to drop down to $40 during E3.