David Horowitz is what happens when Black people believe they have allies.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
not all allies end up that way but its possible.
Like the blm lady.

Rosenberg's sentence was commuted by President Clinton on January 20, 2001, his last day in office...

As of 2020, Rosenberg sits as vice chair of the board of Thousand Currents, a foundation- and contribution-funded international grant-making charitable organization which supports grassroots organizations in the "Global South" [21] as well as acting as a fiscal sponsor of the Black Lives Matter Global Network.

Susan Rosenberg - Wikipedia


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
You gotta be skeptical of the majority off rip, but there is John brown types that would punch him in the face if they caught him out and about somewhere if not worse.

The issue is when you ally with someone who by default has more power than you, they can decide or be swayed to pull the rug from up under you when given an ultimatum. Even a decent person will leave you high and dry to save their own ass.

A fully fortified black man/movement can welcome allies to a fight without having to depend on them to be and stay solid.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
As a non-ADOS, I feel the obligation to share this and post this here, since I found this recently. I don't know if this was posted before. If so pardon me. But this one is important to understand what you're up against.

This man, David Joel Horowitz, is saying a lot of BS. For example, he claims that plight for Reparations is out of hatred for the USA. To him it's not a "justice claim" that is owed to Black Americans. These are still the savage arguments we hear coming from the right wing circles in this day and time. It makes me wonder who the master mind is behind this hideous way of thinking. It also makes you wonder why Reparations never has been paid to Black America. He calls Reparations for Black America a "racist concept". He is no different from his long line of confederate forefathers who were pro-slavery and Jim Crow, as prominent head figures.

It was the Haitian revolution who first gave freedom and amnesty to all people and former the enslaved Africans as one people of the Most High. This was long before the Quakers learned this concept from the Haiti. It was Haiti revolution that spread throughout the Americas to the point that rebellions took over. Juneteenth is exactly because of that.

One of the first was the celebration of Haiti becoming the first Black republic in the Americas on January 1, 1804, after the Haitian Revolution. But one of the earliest freedom celebrations connected to slavery in United States began after the ending of the transatlantic slave trade on January 1, 1808.
Harvard, The Meaning of Juneteenth

How two centuries of slave revolts shaped American history

Matthew J. Clavin, American Toussaints: Symbol, Subversion, and the Black Atlantic Tradition in the American Civil War

The Controversy over Reparations for Slavery (2002)
David Joel Horowitz

Here is part of the transcript (copied from YouTube, so it doesn't show punctuation marks).

Caller: "Smith mr. Horowitz yes sir first question what is your real agenda you know you came to fame with your famous ads against reparation how can you on one hand support our defunding of all the billions of dollars to Israel which we had nothing to do with the Holocaust my father served in World War 2 was the first blacks are serving the Navy three years in World War two so as you say to free you people and then now we send people lives there's only two but it's five billion dollars a year to Israel to support you and subsidize you for displacing the people of this Palestine of their own land and you say that we're not owed anything well I don't think we'll ever get anything as far as money goes but we are owed

Horowitz: Well you see I don't think of you as you people and I am NOT an Israeli I am an American and you should start thinking of yourself as an American and if you think of yourself as an American you might understand that America stands for certain moral principles and the is our defense of Israel is based on those moral principles and also on certain strategic interests that we have since. Israel as our only ally in the Middle East and these other countries hate us and hate us not because of Israel they hate us because of a radical view of Islam they hate us for who we are but as Americans you know we have to look at what our history represents on this issue of slavery and again a lot of people you will hear Randall Robinson Charles Ogletree and other exponents of the reparations issue say the United States has never dealt with slavery well of course we have we had a civil war over slavery we lost 600,000 Americans to end the institution which is the equivalent of 17 million Americans today and the only the only way you can raise this issue is if you have a hatred for the United States every country in the world has obviously a lot of neg of things in their history and we do too but the the the gravamen of that issue the if you look at the issue and in in whole you will see that we are a beacon of freedom that black people would not be free today if it weren't for the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of white American lives in the Civil War and many black lives too and the dedication of the founders of this country to an idea that was revolutionary in the history of the world that all men are created equal and that's my issue I want to say that the anti put on campuses there are really two books in this book I've written on civil wars one is the story of what happened on campuses when I wrote a simple ad with ten completely unarguable reasons of that seventy five percent of the American people hold as to why reparations is a bad idea as a racist idea as well since the payments of two people on the basis of their skin color not on the basis of any suffering they may have had what happened was that I sent it to 70 papers 40 of them refused to print the ad and in the 30 that did there were on those campuses there were demonstrations a whole issue of the boss of the brown Daily Herald was stolen by […]

Host: And we'll get a call from knightstown Indiana good morning good morning […]

Caller: I would like to state the source of some facts rather than give my opinion and sadly I have to preface that by saying the last time that I offered these sources of facts somebody called and accused me of trying to push my religion on them I don't have a religion the bible does say that Abraham believed god any candidate to him for righteousness and I do believe God and the source that I want to talk about first is a book by Grant Jeffrey called the handwriting of God it is not a political book but it will give the true history of what really happened in Israel and it will document the proof that the Bible is the inspired infallible Word of God and that it is accurately preserved we can prove that through the fact that 27.6% of the Bible when it was originally written was prophetic over half of that has been fulfilled exactly as it was predicted the future is predicted if we want to know how God gave a test to know who or to profit is now that we're saying that just everybody and anybody is a prophet of God they can look in Deuteronomy 18:20 to where it says they would have to accurately foretell the future perfectly and call it works

Host: Caller were you going with all of this.

Caller: Let me finish […]

Host: Caller were you going with all of this.

Caller: How going it's going to turn out in Israel you can read Zechariah 14 where all the nations turn against the Jews but that's not how it ends I've been they can read it for themselves only if they wan to […]

Host: Thanks for the call we'll comment. Any reaction?

Horowitz: I don't deal in prophecies.

Host: Atlanta Georgia Democrats line for David Horowitz good morning

Caller: Yes… good morning I wanted to talk with mr. Horowitz about or at least hear his response to a concern that I have about trying to paint history and color history the way you choose for it to to be one of the first statements that you made when you came on was that with America and Europe or particularly the Britons were the first abolitionists or people to try to end slavery and that is couldn't be further from the truth actually the Underground Railroad as I'm sure you're aware is the precursor to abolition or the ending of slavery the Underground Railroad was founded by African slaves and was then supported by other white people and famous white Americans such as John Brown

Horowitz: You're making a comment a common mistake that was made in response to my ad Spartacus we had a revolt against slavery Moses led his people out of slavery the there of course there were slave revolts you know for thousands of years as long as there was slavery but they always were revolts in behalf of the slaves themselves that is it was let my people go it's I want my tribe to be free what was unique about the Quakers in Britain in America at the end of the 19th century and this is a completely an arguable historical fact it's an AW you know any book that you what was unique was that they thought that other people who were slaves not white people they happened to be white they happen to be Christian but they felt at all human beings being children of God it should you know have freedom that no it was wrong for any human being to own another and it was Britain in America that set out to end the institution of slavery even though neither Britain nor Americans were enslaved and in fact that they participated in the slave trade in the case of Americans they they had inherited the institution from the British and we're slave owners and that you know.

I'm not denying that there was an underground railway I'm not denying that there were slave revolts by that Turner in Denmark Vesey the point is that the movement to end the institution of slavery as such was a movement that was spearheaded by Britain and the United States and by their armed forces and and in Britain in particular lost a lot of men
and spent a lot of money to end slavery in Africa not just in in the British Isles.

Host: An email from a viewer:

"Assume for a moment that reparations for descendants of slavery becomes a reality what is your opinion about white Americans who will finally acknowledge that some of them may be descendants of enslaved blacks just for the purpose of receiving economic reparations will you consider them "America haters", as you've described other proponents of reparations?"

Horowitz: "…" I am for reparations. For slaves and former slaves and their children, but they're all dead.

I am NOT for reparations on the basis of skin color or by tracing some descendant through three or four generations any more than I would accept myself reparations for Jews that were you know exterminated by the Nazis. I have but my family was fortunate enough to come to this country at the turn of the 20th century and therefore escape that my objection here is that it's the payment is based on skin color that the payment from people cut will come from descendants of people whose ancestors died in the Civil War to free the slaves it will come from what most Americans were their ancestors weren't even here before 1880 which is the first big wave of emigration after the after the Civil War how are you going to tell Juan Martinez who came here 10 years ago from Mexico and is struggling to put bread on the table for his children to pay reparations to Johnny Cochran and Jesse Jackson or Mille multimillionaires and Oprah Winfrey is the richest woman in America even though her great-grandfather was a slave this is the only way that this movement could be concocted is by people who are desperate to find another way to shake down America this is what is Jesse Jackson do these days except go to corporations cry racism and shake them down that's what this is about and that's why I'm against it