
The Chappelle Show season 3 is why I am so pessimistic about it.
And to DaFilthyLucre who negged me for that post go kill yourself fakkit.
I've seen Chappelle live twice in the past 3 years and he's been hilarious both times. At one point during one set he started telling this Lil Wayne joke about his p*ssy juicy line from Look At Me Now. Someone recorded it and put it on Youtube. But he kept going and told like 5 different jokes off that one line and said he had like 100 more. It was funny to see him keep going with the jokes just to prove he had more. And they got progressively funnier.
I hope one of these two special has those jokes from that Atlanta set he did that ended up on Youtube via some shytty cellphone footage. Someone on here posted it and I ate off it. THAT set had the best Chappelle joke I've ever heard, and he didn't tell it in either show I saw, so it had to be from an older completed set. I won't spoil it, but damn it was crazy.
When does this go live on Netflix?
Midnight (hopefully EST)
Midnight (hopefully EST)
you know the routine by now ..
12PST ... 3EST
Was hoping 9pm pst 12est