found myself agreeing fully with Cena's last line "if you're entertaining, orientation, creed etc shouldn't matter" DYoung has always been ok by me, his character makes me laugh/react. . I don't see that changing just because I know this about him, i'm secure enough in my love for women that finding out a wrestler is gay is no different than finding out the dude drinks Tequila as opposed to Cognac
I just hope we are coming towards a day where people aren't having to hide who they are and be so repressed to the point that they just have to boldly exclaim their sexual orientation/whatever they are finally admitting because maybe we'll have gotten to a point where people mind their own business/aren't oppressing each other for what they feel, think, like or love. ..
Anyways, wrestling forum isn't exactly the podium for all that jazz so heres a random gif of violence just because
Fully agree... But on to more pressing issues...
Dude didn't see that La Parka special before trying to hop the counter?