Why did Pat Patterson, Chris Kanyon or several other questionable performers not get this level of "fanfare", yet when a nikka does it, the spotlight is always on
Pat Patterson was old, retired and behind-the-scenes by the time wrestling fans learned he was gay (plus, I don't know if he ever really officially came out, but I'm pretty sure he did)
Kanyon wasn't in the WWE when he came out. I'm pretty sure that applies to pretty much anyone else you can think of, even Orlando Jordan. They either weren't in the WWE when they came out, or they never actually came out and were just strongly rumored to be gay behind the scenes. There's a difference between flat-out admitting you're gay, and everyone seeing you act feminine or do suspect shyt, but you never officially confirm your orientation to anyone
If Young wasn't in the WWE when he came out (which is pretty much the only wrestling 'organization' that most people recognize and care about since it's by far the most popular), then nobody outside of wrestling fans would care. That's the REAL big deal - that he's a gay man who's an active wrestler in the popular WWE, and it's not just a gimmick like Goldust or Rico. That's enough to get the interest of the public.....well, that and the fact that it was TMZ who broke it.....they can make big news out of almost anything
Again, look at Orlando Jordan. Another gay (well, bi) black man who came out, but only after WWE released him, and nobody outside of wrestling fans cared. Who outside of wrestling is gonna care about some ex-WWE jabroni coming out

(unless he was an established main-eventer like Angle)? Hell, a lot of non-wrestling fans barely care about Darren right now.
And this ain't the first time the WWE had mainstream media feature their wrestlers on a gay angle. Remember Billy and Chuck? Two white wrestlers who weren't even really gay, but their wedding had them on Entertainment Tonight and the Today Show