Okay I"m not saying where I got this from. But it's legit, trust me. Apparently the whole Robin/Blake rumor is for real.
Here is how it rolls. Blake was planted into the police force by Bruce after an incident that happened years ago, Bruce took Grayson in. He's not using his real name/ as he is in fact dikk Grayson. Backstory is explained near the end. Now here is the weird part though. He never actually puts on a costume. He's simply an undercover police informant for Bruce. Part of the reason is because Bruce wants to know what the police know about Batman. It's not so much about having dikk as an asset, as it is having him as an informant.(so for one he knows what's going on crimwise, and most importantly he knows where they are in regards to the pursuing of Batman. It's not revealed until the end, but it's hinted at times, most of which is Blakes concern about Bruce. One of trailers involving Selina/Blake hints at this. Now it's starting to make sense for y'all isn't it?
The one thing I never understood when watching the trailers, is how Blake knew to target Selina when she tries to escape via the airport. He knew because Bruce knew(because she stole from Bruce), the police force knew of her, but had no reason to suspect she was with Bane.
Anyways... If you were spoiled sorry,...I warned you.
UPDATE 2: Watch Tuesday for some new officially released info that will play a big role in shaping the future of this discussion. No, there won’t be any official announcement or anything like that, but a book will release on Tuesday that reveals key details of John Blake’s background and role in the film, and I suspect a lot of folks are going to shift their position a bit!