Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
come on breh name one thing that he did that was selfless or in anyway heroic. Wiping out mobsters so you can be the only mobster isn't about saving hells kitchen it's about being no 1. Its like believing the kkk were righteous in their actions against blax due to their claims they were doing God's work. Bad people will rationalize their actions by saying it's for the greater good all the time doesn't make it true
He actually wanted to rebuild Hell's Kitchen and make it thrive again.

Ok yes, no doubt under his own devices and vision but never the less he wanted to make the city better.
In the grande scheme of things a rich thriving successful city would make him a very rich successful thriving businessman.
And with him as the #1 crime boss he could better control the crime and chaos.... Atleast that was the vision and plan