Rocket Scientist
Culpeper to Moss underrated duo
Hes 43 what do you expect ? Nikkas dont get slimmer as they get older you get fatter...
Breh called Culpepper a "Great"
booze booze and more booze
While this true, it would be wiser to get in better health/shape as u age. Apparently Daunte dont care
not anything significant. I was expecting Eric Snow or Val Kilmer status
IN theory its a good idea but its harder to stay in shape when ur aging and iur metabolism is slowing down to a crawl...Look at old nikkas like Mike Tyson and Michael jai White,in relatrively good shape but still much bigger in the face and midsection its just age nothing u can do about it...even in shape ur gonna get bigger.
You got a name/instagram link for your avi breh?Let that man live
Kilmer lost weight and lost his voice because he had throat cancer.
Harder? Yes. But still way doable to say in shape in your 40s.
Then again he played football so he probably sick and tired of exercising so he probably just said fukk it
His 2004 season one of the GOAT QB seasons of all time and he only played with Moss for half the season
His 2004 season one of the GOAT QB seasons of all time and he only played with Moss for half the season